Chapter 7 - Disregarded

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Midoriya's pov.

The following days were slow and tiering, the young hostage having nothing to do but sleep and fidget with his new restraints. Kurogiri, the one Izuku found to be the nicer of the two villains, had managed to convince Tomura, that keeping him tied up on the floor for days on end wouldn't be beneficial for his health.

Shigaraki had complained, but more so to himself than anyone else.

Not too long after, Midoriya was left sitting against the wall while looking down at the long chains connected to his wrists; a pair of burning, red lines visible underneath the new metal cuffs.

The young boy had done the smart move and ignored his instincts to struggle once his old restraints were removed, Shigaraki having showen enough of his capabilities for Izuku to even bat an eye at the door.

The remains of an old plate still lying by his feet in the form of dust, the ash-like powder blending nicely with the floor.

At least now, with the chains only trapping his arms, he could stand and stretch his legs; his poor limbs having been too weak to hold him up at first.

Izuku had of course tried to fumble with the metal thing keeping him secure against the wall, looking for any sort of trick that could get him out of there. Midoriya thought back to all those movies where the prisoner hid behind the door and waited for the kidnapper to walk into the cell, only to get choked out by the inmate.

However, the blasted thing never moved an inch and it was hardly easier when he barely saw his own hand at times.

That's what brings us to now, with a pale looking Izuku sitting hunched forward, green weary eyes lingering on the other end of the small room. The young boy still processing the recent conversation he'd just had with Shigaraki—  the mans words leaving him heavier and heavier.

Two weeks. In two weeks he'd be transported off to some unknown place that not even crusty face seemed to know about.

Midoriya had been told to behaive and not struggle once the day came, that their master wouldn't be too pleased if he arrived only with one leg intact. Izuku felt no need for any further explanation, the lone thought of what the young man's quirk could do to a plate was enough fuel for both his imagination and racing heart.

A light rustle of chains was heard as a shaky hand ran through the greasy, green locks upon the student's head. Izuku sighed as he gathered his thoughts and feelings, a worried yet determined look settling over his freakled features.

It had almost been a week since Midoriya went missing and to his own increasing dread, no heros had come close to finding him. Izuku only knew this because Shigaraki had a strange fazinationg of showing him the news from time to time, telling him how futile their searches were and how it wouldn't take long before they gave up; marking him as dead.

Midoriya fought to hold back his burning tears while Shigaraki held his phone infront of him, looking as if he was thurowly enjoying himself as he made sure the boy didn't look away.

Even though Izuku put all his faith in pro heros, he knew he couldn't just sit around without trying anything of his own, after all.. That's what Kacchan would've done.

An idea started to form in the greenette's head, his soft muttering only audible to his own ears. It wasn't so much as a plan, more like a desperate attempt from his twelve-year-old brain to soothe his mental state, which was already swaying all too close to the edge for his liking.

In two weeks, the villains would move him to their main base, at least, that's what he guessed. When that day came, he would follow Shigaraki's advise and play it safe, being calm and collected while discreetly looking for an opening to buck it. Although, the possibility of being blindfolded or getting his legs tied up again was quite big..

Too Weak To Say No [Villain! Deku Rehab Au]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora