Chapter 5 - Not enough

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Midoriya's pov.

Midoriya awoke to the sound of a distant door slamming, mind instantly on high alert as his jade eyes shot from left to right, finding it no different than keeping them shut. He released a shaky breath as he tried to calm himself, memories flooding back to him as he realized where he was.

Izuku briefly wondered how long he'd been locked up, although judging by his numb arm and the hundreds of needless poking his legs he must have been passed out for quite some time. Midoriya's eyebrows were knitted in consentration, ears pricked as he believed to hear muffled voices not too far from the towering door infront of him. No real words could be heard, only the annoyed tone of someone seemingly arguing with another.

A moment passed and everything became quiet, the boy only hearing his own breathing he so desperately tried to settle. Then, at the sudden sound of footsteps, Midoriya stiffen. His eyes growing wide with realization and the feeling of dread soared throughout his body. Izuku bit his lip as he heard the click of a lock, watching in horror as the door handle slowly turned.

Midoriya flinched as he was hit with a bright light, tears instantly forming underneath his burning eyelids. The boy tried to blink, desperate to see what was going on.

"Well look at that, the brat's awake."

A shadow fell on the young boy's figure, giving him the chance to squint up at the man before him. Izuku tensed, a lump forming in his throat as a pair of red eyes glared down at him, the bloodshot orbs almost distracting him from the spiderlike object he wore on his face.

It was a hand.

Midoriya watched as the towering male suddenly took a couple of steps closer, crouching down as he was right infront of the green haired kid. Izuku could practically feel the agonizing gaze traveling down his body, only temporarily stopping at his restraints.

"I told you he'd be fine," he grumbled, tone reeking with annoyance. "It's only been two days it's not like he's gonna drop dead already." Before Midoriya had the chance to wonder who he was speaking to, a heavy sigh could be heard from the opened door, the boy first now noticing the smoke covered villain standing there.

"Nevertheless, our master requested the boy in good health, that includes looking after his needs." Said the deep unfamiliar voice before crossing his arms, resembling a disapproving parent.

The crouching man sneered, just about to turn his head and snap back at the other when a small sound emerged from the short boy. Red orbs darted back to Izuku's, the man grunting as his attention was now directed at his captive.

Midoriya startled, almost too hesitant to repeat himself.
"Who," he rasped, his throat feeling extremely dry as he pried his tung from the roof of his mouth. "Who are you? And- and wha-" a sudden cough erupted from him, halting his questions.

The blue haired villain hummed as he watched the kid having a coughing fit, not waiting for the brat to finish before speaking up to his companion. "Kurogiri, go fetch some water," his eyes never leaving the boy. "And possibly some food as well.."

Without a word, the smoke covered villain turned on his heels and left, leaving the two of them alone.

An awkward and dense silence filled the air between them, Izuku still fighting the urge to clear his windpipes again, but being to afraid to even try and breath properly.

As he kept his gaze low he tried to contain his burning questions that he desperately wanted awnseres to. Even if he had had the courage to ask the man still crouching beside him, he knew his voice would barely let him. His throat felt painfully dry from his erlier breakdowns and he hadn't had water in..

Too Weak To Say No [Villain! Deku Rehab Au]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें