Chapter 6

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Chapter 6:

"Eyes on me." Addison panted, barely staying upright.

Immediately two pairs of eyes were on her. She made to take a step in and faltered leaning on the door instead. Cristina quickly made her way to her to help her get closer to Meredith. Soon the beeping monitors started to quiet down as the blonde watched her come in with tears lining her face.

"I'm here." Addison panted and forced a smile despite the pain she felt. Meredith just looked at her seemingly wanting to say something. "I'm here. I'm not moving." She reassured her once more as Cristina got her close enough to the blonde that she reached out her uninjured shaky hand at her. Addison took it immediately and squeezed it tightly as her other hand gently cleared away the blonde's tears.

Still holding her up, the brunette managed to get the chair closer so that Addison could sit, which she greatly appreciated. She sat down with a soft huff keeping her eyes on Meredith's. She was aware Teddy and Mark were getting ready to re-suture and clean the wounds that had reopened but she paid them no mind as she attempted a smile at Meredith. As they worked the blonde winced and in turn so did Addison. Meredith's face showed an apologetic expression, which Addison waved off.

"Not the worst I've felt." She nervously chuckled a bit. "I'm ok." She smiled which got the blonde's features to soften once more.

Once finished Mark and Teddy left with Cristina following closely behind. Soon the lights in the room were dimmed and the soft hum of the machines filled the silence. Meredith's eyes never once left Addison's. It was as if her eyes were her lifeline even though the redhead could tell she was exhausted and in quite a bit of pain.

"You should use your button and sleep." Addison suggested a bit shyly. Meredith just shook her head at her as panic began to invade her beautiful baby blue eyes.

"Meredith, I'm not going anywhere. I promise." Addison reached for her hand again and squeezed it slightly but the blonde didn't seem convinced. "Mer, I swear I'm not moving. I'll be here. Right here when you wake up. I promise. You need rest. Please, for me." She tried again. "I mean if it's ok for me to ask. It probably isn't but..." The blonde looked at her amused as she nervously rambled.

"You're making fun of me, aren't you? Only you have the ability to make me ramble and stutter." Addison let out a sigh as Meredith smiled a bit. "You should rest though. You need it to heal."

The blonde studied her for a while and soon seemed convinced, giving her a nod. Addison took the button since now the blonde wouldn't let go of her hand and pressed it, releasing the morphine into her bloodstream. Meredith's eyes started to get droopy and soon she was asleep, the pain beginning to dull once more.

Addison smiled at the fact that even though she was sleeping her death grip didn't waiver. Now as she watched the blonde sleep she felt a sort of relief. Meredith wanted her here. At least that was something right. The way in which she clinged to her could only mean that.

Suddenly Mark's words echoed in her head, ' When you love someone, tell them' . She would tell Meredith soon, maybe when she woke but for now...

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