"You always steal my thunder, Jethro."

"There was no way in hell you were asking me to marry you.Call me old school like that. So, you gonna answer the question or not?" 

"Ask me again, Jethro."

"(F/N), will you marry me?" Smiling, I nodded and Jethro chuckled, teasing,

"I wanna hear it."

"Yes, Jethro. I'll marry you." Jethro smiled and stood up, pulling me with him. Resting a hand on my hip, he lead me out of the restaurant and back to the office. When we got on the elevator, Jethro pulled the emergency stop button and turned me to him, gently. Leaning down, Jethro brushed his lips against mine and reached over, pulling the emergency stop button on the elevator. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I laced my fingers through his Marine cut and he grabbed my left leg, wrapping it around his waist. Jethro's tongue lined my bottom lip and he grabbed my other leg, doing the same movement. Holding my hips, Jethro pressed my back to the wall and began untucking my shirt, fingers caressing the skin he could get to. Loud buzzing made Jethro pull away from me, huffing and glaring at the doors. Hitting the emergency switch, Jethro leaned down and pressed one more soft kiss to my mouth, as the doors opened. 

The rest of the day, Jethro tried to get me alone and Leon caught us in an empty observation room, teasing us for the rest of the day. On the way home, Jethro's right hand was resting on my upper thigh and thumb rubbing, softly. When we got home, I unlocked the door and made my way upstairs in record time, Jethro sighing softly behind me. The sitter was upstairs with the twins and when she heard my footsteps, she turned to to door. 

"Agent (L/N). How was work?"

"It was fine. How were my babies?" 

"Good. They aren't really fussy." 

"How much do we owe you?"

"Nothing. You protect our Marines and Navy, my sister is a PFC in the Corp. That's payment enough for me." 

"I can't not pay you, Jessica. How much?"

"Nope. I'll be going." 

"Thank you, Jessica." She left without replying and Jethro came into the room, wrapping his arms around my waist. The twins were sleeping and Jethro had plans on how he wanted to celebrate our engagement, pressing open-mouthed kisses to the side of my neck. 

"Jethro?" I called, turning around in his arms and wrapping my arms around his neck, as he hummed in reply.

"I love you." 

"Well, I love you too. Mrs. Gibbs." As he went to pick me up, I stopped him and lead him into our room, teasing,

"Don't want you hurting yourself before the wedding." 



Jethro walked me backwards until the back of my legs hit the edge of the bed and he, gently, laid me down. Scooting up the bed, Jethro followed me and took off his button down, quickly. 

An hour later we were laying next to each other, panting, and Jethro hovered over my body, pressing soft kisses to my skin. 

Three months passed by, the twins were seven months old and we had just found out about Tali, Ziv'a death hit all of us hard. Then, Tony left. Our wedding was put on the back burner and there were two new agents that joined the team. 

About four months after that, Gibbs and McGee got stuck in Paraguay. 

"(F/N)?" Ducky called, coming into the house and I turned to the door, as he rounded the corner. Looking back to Jackson and Ann, I couldn't begin the conversation him and I had on a daily basis this time. 

"How are they?"

"Confused. I think they have some understanding that their father isn't here. It's hard. Jackson seems to look more like Jethro everyday. Ann is constantly looking for him. They both have those amazing blue eyes. What am I suppose to do if he doesn't come back." 

"They're coming home." 


"The Director tried to call you, but seeing as you haven't answered in about two months..."

"Are you sure?" 

"Yes, we're sure." 

Gathering the twins' stuff, I put them both in their car seats and tried not to wake them up, as I put them in the car. Heading to the Navy Yard, Ducky came with me and when we got to the office, Ducky watched the twins. I don't know exactly how long we waited for, but I had fell asleep. I was woken up by Bishop shaking my shoulder lightly and she whispered,

"(F/N), Gibbs is here." Sitting up, I looked over her shoulder and saw Jethro looking out of the window, Ann in his arms. He was bouncing her, gently, and she was cooing up at him, happily.

"Jethro?" I called, my voice catching and he turned to me, eyes locking. Jethro placed Ann back into her car seat and I crossed the bullpen, quickly. Cupping his face, I pulled him into a hard kiss. All tongues and no finesse. When I pulled away, Jethro followed me for a moment and kept our lips touching, when he spoke,

"I've missed you."

"Ditto, Jethro." 

"I hate to interrupt, but I'm headed to McGee's. Are you two coming?" Bishop asked, making me turn my head and look at her, silently. Jethro kept his gaze on me and he shook his head, whispering,

"No. No. We're gonna head home." 

"Okay. Drive safe." 

"You too, Bishop." She left us alone and I turned back to him, running my fingers through his beard. His eyes looked tired and I sighed, asking,

"Ready to head home?" He just nodded and turned to the carseats, picking both up. The twins were asleep, again. 

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