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   Rune followed where Gray-scale and Charlie went for a while before she lost them in the maze-like corridors of the dungeons. She turned some corners only to end up back by the same cell with the bent bars. everything was so dark down here... She passed a sleeping Terrance in his cell once and only once. That had to be a good sign? Now which way is her family...

   "Leave him alone he's just a kid!!!" Came a scream.

   Rune dashed down the hallway.

   "Quiet I said! I'm trying to get his cries to wake Father dearest."

   Now that Rune was closer she could hear small whimpers and hiccups. She recognized them as her littlest brother. She grit her teeth and came to a large door.

   "He's injured! He can't wake up with that head wound untreated."

"You are really starting to bother me."

   Rune kicked the door in and grit her teeth. "Release my little brother."

   Gray-scale had Maxwell in a vice like grip. The youngest had a tear soaked face already and wide eyes. He had never had to fight anyone. He was soft. He was too nice...

   Papa was chained to the wall and Dad was cuffed to a wooden chair. His hair was soaked with blood and his over shirt was missing.

   "There you are." Gray-scale grinned.

   "I said release him. I will hurt you!"

   "Sure sure." Gray-scale released Maxwell and kicked him to the ground. "I could kill you first. You are the oldest and the favorite after all."

   Rune growled. "You're gonna regret that."

   And like that the fighting began. Long distance blasts quickly turned to hand to hand when Rune closed in. She was beyond pissed off at the moment plus she knew the blasts were more dangerous to anyone else in the room.

   Rune smirked realizing that Gray-scale only fought as well as Cypher. She could best Cypher easily in hand to hand. She matched him move for move pushing him back against the wall with one hand at his throat. "I win."

   Gray-scale grit his teeth and glared at Rune before realization crossed his face. His eyes faded into color and his brows knitted up on his face. He looked like Cypher again. "Rune– You're hurting me–" He choked out.

   Rune jerked her hand back. "Cyph..?"

   Any color he had disappeared again. He moved fast and knocked Rune to the ground. "So gullible." He chuckled.

   Rune wheezed as the air was knocked out of her. She could see Charlie with his arms still bound. She could see her little brother cowering behind her injured dad. She saw her defenseless Papa strung up like a toy. She saw a piece of white cloth on her middle brothers leg...

   Something clicked. She reached out and ripped the cloth right off. There was a loud PRRRRPR– as the old cloth came unraveled and fell to the ground. Her brother was thrown backwards and the spirit thrown the other way.

   Rune scrambled to her feet. Cypher was out cold and Viral was clutching his head as if still in pain. That's it. She did it...

   "Did you find the enchanter?" Charlie asked getting to his feet.

   "I think so–" Rune stared.

   "I see you already broke my enchantment and figured me out... You're smarter than you look."

   Chills ran down Runes spine... She hates being right.

No Chance: An Omniverse StoryWhere stories live. Discover now