Enter Majora

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I glared at Sheik he was talking to Dark, then he leaned forward whispering in his ear before grinning and walking away. I clenched my fist as he came to stand next to me, I watched ark until he turned around. When he did Sheik winked at him making me scowl and Dark blush, he walked passed us without looking up.

"What did you say to him?" I said turning my attention to Sheik wanting to murder him.

"I said that he was so cute I wonder what it would be like to have him in bed with me screaming my name." I forced him against the wall with my forearm on his neck crushing his windpipe. Sheik didn't panic he only kept that smug smirk on his face the whole time.

"Link stop!" Zelda cried trying to pull my arm off of Sheik.

"You make me sick!" I growled letting go of him heading to get dressed. I walked to my door to see Ganon holding a tunic for me.

"That's...." Ganon smirked "the outfit of the Fierce Deity savior of termina." I trembled as I ran my fingers down the tunic.

"Wear it tonight." I didn't question it I only nodded taking the outfit from him. I walked to my mirror and stared back at myself before using my magic to change my hair color to white and adding on Fierce Deities tribal tattoos to my face. I look just like him maybe because at one point I was him. I sighed softly running my fingers down my reflection before going back outside to stand with Midna and Lana.

They were as brainwashed as Dark was. They truly believed they were crazy, now with Cia here itll be harder on Lana.

"Hi Link." Lana says shyly while Midna drapes herself around my shoulders. I looked up to see Impa with Zelda, im surprised they let her out of her padded room. All the people who had helped me in my quest were here locked in stone tower. While the bad guys who aided Ganon were our doctors. Basically meaning they could do whatever they wanted to us and right it off as our delusions.

I sighed as Zant made Midna go talk to him, she shivered before walking away. When I looked up I thought I was seeing things until his ruby eyes met mine. My heart almost stopped, Dark was dressed in his black tunic. I covered my mouth as tears stung in my eyes. I watched Dark sprint toward me and the moment he reached me we were on the floor, I was wrapped around him crying into his neck.

"What have we here?" I ignored Ganon he wouldn't ruin this moment for me, not now.

"I-I" Dark stuttered finally realizing what hed done and everyone was staring at him im sure.

"Just calm him down we don't need him starting a scene at the festival." Ganon said pretending to sound annoyed but I knew Dark and I were falling into his plan hook, line and sinker.

"Shhh, shhhh its okay." I smiled despite myself as he began rocking me like I was a child. I place a small kiss where my face was buried on his neck knowing he wouldn't notice it. After a few minutes of holding him I pulled away smiling at Dark through my tears.

"What was that about?" He said worry deep in his scarlet eyes.

"You just remind me of someone I used to know." I whispered softly trying not to let the tears fall down my cheeks. He helped me to my feet and the whole way to termina, I cant keep my eyes off of Dark. He was looking at the scenery in awe, it took two hours and we were finally at the festival. People were dancing wearing masks as they danced around the town square. I watched as a familiar purple haired boy stepped forward in front of Dark handing him a beautiful Keaton mask.

Dark smiled taking the mask and putting it over his face, the same boy ran around handing us all masks. Everyone started dancing along with everyone in the village. Ganon took selene as his partner while Cia and Lana danced together. Zant dragged midna out to dance with him, while impa watched Sheik and Zelda dancing elegantly together. I smiled stepping forward to Dark offering him my hand he switched his mask so it was sitting atop his head. Then he took my hand and I smiled pulling him closer.

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