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Harry’s POV
I was so excited but also nervous. My stomach felt like butterflies were flying. I was getting major serotonin from just seeing Hogwarts. I shrunk my stuff again and put it in my pocket, but not before putting a protection charm on it this time.

“Woah, slow down Harry. We can take it a bit easy this year.” Neville put his hand on my shoulder and I sighed. He was taller than me now and I couldn’t help but feel like I was small. He smiled at me and I almost passed out. He was just so bloody attractive.

“Sorry, I just want to see if any of my friends are here. It’s been a while since I’ve talked to any of them really.” I looked at him and he looked a bit sad.

“It’s all been hard on Harry. But at least this year, we have a life ahead of us. A bright future.” Neville grabbed his trunk and did the same as me. “We should hang out more Harry. I don’t think we’ve done that in a while. This year we can take it slow. Now come on, Hogwarts awaits.”

We walked out of the compartment and down the narrow walkway. There weren’t many other students left on this part of the train. But again, there aren’t many students coming back to school this year. I wonder what it’s going to be like this year. Maybe Nevilles right. I should spend time with friends and actually care about my academic studies.

The train stopped at Hogsmeade station and Neville and I got off. Everyone was still on the train but since Neville and I were so excited we practically jumped.

We ran around and started our trek to the castle before anyone had really gotten off the platform. The first years were heading to the boats but I didn’t see Hagrid with them.

“Hey Neville, isn’t it odd that no one is really off the train yet?” I asked.

“Harry, we practically jumped off the train. And besides, we get to be the first to the feast.” He grinned at me. My heart began pulsating quickly.
Oh god, I don’t have a crush on Neville. Nope, he’s just like a brother. No romantic feelings whatsoever,  I thought. Apparently I was so lost in thought that I tripped over a rock and fell on my face.

“Harry,” Neville rushed over to me and helped me up. “Are you okay?” He started dusting my shirt off and I blushed.

“I’m fine. I just got lost in my thoughts.” I felt my stomach get all woozy because of his touch. We started walking again and I tried hard to think about something else. I was eighteen. Why did I feel like a blubbering little school girl?

I was absentmindedly walking along with Neville. I looked and saw the carriages waiting to take us the rest of the way. The thestrals were looking as ghastly as ever. Neville and I sat in silence as we started to hear the bustle of people’s voices behind us.

“Hey Neville, I never asked how your family was,” I said, trying to keep the conversation chill.

“Oh, my Gran has been good. We went to visit my parents before I went to the station. They’re getting really better actually. My mum actually recognizes me. But only for a few moments. And my dad is starting to get some of his memories back. The healers said if they keep up this progress, they could come to stay with Gran and I by next year.”

“That’s wonderful Neville. I’m really happy for you,”  I said.

We both looked at each other, smiling. Neville blushed a bit and looked away. After what seemed like forever, we made it to the castle. Nothing drastic changed from the last time we saw it.

There was new construction done to the castle to fix the damage. The castle looked as if nothing happened. But the memories it brought back would be hard.

“Hey Harry, we’re at the front. We can walk from here,” Neville said. “Time for the feast. Merlin, I’m hungry.”

“Yeah,” I said, as Neville and I hopped off the wagon. I patted the thestral and we walked to the castle doors.

A/N: Hello my fellow readers! I have been on a 6 month hiatus and I just returned. I have actually had this chapter written for months but I have just decided to publish this. The story will be short, like all of my other stories. I hope you enjoy and keep an eye out for major foreshadowing. - Kade

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