Eating was strangely easier, muscle memory guided your actions as you ate the soup. It tasted absolutely delicious, so much so that you tuned out everything around you.

"Please, Childe don't start." Zhongli sighed from behind you, the closeness of his voice made you turn around and stare at him.

The man next to him was surprisingly tall, wore strange clothing and had the most unique color of hair, ginger. As you scanned him you saw a small glowing blue gem on his waist, vision. You corrected yourself.

"What's your name princess?" Childe cocked an eyebrow and took a seat next to you.

"Y/N." you replied robotically.

Zhongli sighed again, "I take it's to your liking?" he asked, nodding towards the empty bowl.

You nodded with a smile.

"You weren't kidding..." Childe looked at you with slight surprise, you silently stared at his vision.

"What are you gonna do with her?" he curiously asked, you slowly reached down to your pocket and grabbed hold of your own vision. It felt warm in your hands.

"She'll stay here until she remembers." Zhongli replied, staring at you with mild interest.

You took the vision out of your pocket and compared it to Childe's, completely unaware that he was staring at you and your vision in complete shock.

"Dendro?" Childe burst in a mix of disbelief and surprise.

Zhongli merely nodded, "When it regained it's color I knew it was only a matter of time" Zhongli explained vaguely. 

You stared at him curious what he meant, but you didn't quesiton him.

"Not much of a talker are you, princess?" Childe hummed with faint amusement.

"I like soup." you stated as the two men silently stared at you.

Childe burst out laughing while Zhongli averted his gaze, a smile tugging at his lips. "I know," he merely said.

"Can you use that?" Childe curiously asked, staring at your vision.

"No." you said.

"Yes." Zhongli interjected.

"No?" you more questioned than stated.

Childe chuckled and with the shake of his head began talking again, "why don't we test it?" he suggested.

Zhongli looked at you hesitantly, "Childe, she didn't even remember how to drink water. How to eat, that she needed to eat." he sighed.

"Y/N what is this?" Childe ignored Zhongli and pointed at your vision.

"Vision." you quickly replied.

Childe sent Zhongli a triumphant smirk.

"That doesn't--" Zhongli began with slight annoyance, "what do you want to do Y/N?" he looked towards you.

You froze, what did you want to do?

You spoke the word before you even had a chance to think about it, "remember." you instantly replied.

"Well if she used it before, using her vision again will maybe jog her memory?" Childe suggested Zhongli narrowed his eyes, knowing fully well that Childe only wanted to test your strength and get another chance to fight.

"Come on." Childe half grinned, he leaned towards you and glanced at your vision before abruptly standing up.

You glanced towards Zhongli, he grumbled something to himself before giving you a reassuring nod. Like a giddy child, you followed Childe.

Dilly Dallying [Zhongli x [F]reader]जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें