둘 - The Worst That Could Happen

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❝So tell me why you're here. You need something?❞ the shorter male eyed me. He was burning stares into my chest, it almost physically hurt. 

❝I see you are still rich and stuck up as always.❞ I briefly looked around the room and noticed a air conditioner―no wonder why its so cold. 

❝Your just jealous because your family is poor. You have always been, but that's not my problem. Now what do you want?❞ He was in fact, correct. Ever since the first day in high school, he was always able to flex his big brand clothing and items. My parents always worked nine to five jobs but we barely had money to purchase groceries. I always envied how he could easily get something, when I would have to work off my ass just to get a new suit of clothes. 

❝what do you mean, ❛what do I want?❜ I live here you dumbass!❞ I retorted. ❝what? since when?❞ he now faces me abandoning whatever he was going before. Great, now I'm going to have to explain. ❝The staff told me I would live in this dorm with someone else. They didn't notify you?❞ 

❝No, if I had known, I would have refused your stay, I don't want you in my space.❞ He spat. Standing here trying to tolerate him is really getting on my nerves. I took a deep breathe trying to calm my racing heart and my mind with millions of thoughts training through it. 

❝Well, where's my room?❞ I calmly asked. 

❝what room are you talking about? This dorm only has one bedroom and one bathroom, I'm supposed to be living on my own!❞ he said monotonously. He was getting impatient I could feel it. But honestly, When the staff said share, I never expected this. 

❝Alright then, we'll share the room.❞ I sighed. When Niki is infuriated, he has a tendency to grab my shirt collars. ❝Are you out of your mind? no, never!❞ he shouted at me with balled fists locked to my collar. 

❝Then where am I supposed to stay?❞ Seriously, even though you don't like me have some leniency. 

❝I don't know. That's non of my business.❞―of course it isn't, you never really cared about people or things around you. You are the type to go to the kitchen for food, but ignore your pet which has been starving for days. 

❝Alright I'm calling the school.❞ A few rings later, the nice lady I saw today, Miss Juliet, picked up the phone. 

❝Hello this is ENHA International, Juliet Holmes is speaking. How may be of assistance today?❞ 

"Yes, Ms. Juliet, it's Kim Sunoo, there happens to be a mix-up as the dorm I have been assigned to is apparently a single dorm room.❞ I explained.

"Yes, dorm 553, am if I'm correct? It is, but the director decided to change that and allow two persons to stay in single dorms because of the large amount of students applying for dorms.❞ "Mr. Nishimura should have cleaned up and prepared your side of the room.❞

❝Miss Juliet, there is only one bed here, what will I do?❞

❝I suppose the school might have forgotten to deliver it before you arrived, my apologizes on behalf of the staff.❞ I huff of frustration escaped my lips.

 ❝Well, can't you share the bed for tonight? I have been to Mr. Nishimura's room for occasional check ups, his bed is large enough❞ Ms. Juliet suggested. 

❝But I don't think-❞  Ms. Juliet interrupted saying, ❝If you sleep in the couch and anything happens to it, just know you should be ready to fork up $10,000 okay?❞

That's a lot of money for me to pay back. It would at least take me my whole life to do that. No way I can sleep on that couch.

❝I- okay I understand thank you.❞ I managed to muster. 

❝Don't worry, I will remind the staff and it will be delivered to you in about 2-3 days❞ I decided to end the call now, It shouldn't be a fuss, plus tomorrow is my first day. ❝okay, bye have a good night.❞ miss Juliet hummed in response, ❝you too❞

The younger male glanced over to me with an uneasy look on his face. ❝You heard her, We're sharing the bed tonight.❞ Niki's face lit up with disgust, ❝Huh? No way, this is my bed. You're going to have to tie me up first before I let you on here.❞

❝oh really?❞ I smirked at him. His eyes faltered, looking at me with complete fear in his eyes. When it comes to strength, Niki would be too weak to try and fight back―the upper hand I always wanted to get.  

❝Thanks for sharing the bed Niki, goodnight.❞ I smiled cynically staring at his poor helpless state in bonds of rope I so happened to have. 

❝I swear I hate you so much, untie me this instant!❞ He screamed. 

❝What why? If I do, I wont have a chance to sleep. Just make do with it, I gave you enough space so suck it up and sleep. Good night.❞ I stuck my tongue out at him and rolled over to the left side of the bed. The corner is always nice. I took the corner because I'm certain that I will end up kicking him off―what great satisfaction that would bring. 

❝Tomorrow I won't be so easy on you.❞ He snared. 

❝If you weren't, where would the fun be?❞

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ah yes, we have come to the end of another chapter


i recommend a song to you- it's called Step Up my SuperM. In words, the song is really hard to describe. It gives you this nostalgic kind of feeling and peaceful too. here I will include the links 

YouTube - https://youtu.be/ThxBCAFKHoY 

Spotify - https://open.spotify.com/track/049OKDHOubi5XxbO2HAdm9?si=c363ebe3af2747d7

i have android so i don't have apple music ;-; 

don't be a silent reader comment and vote :D

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