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Where are you???
Why did you left just like that???
What do you think who are you???
It will be better for you to come back
I'm losing my sence now
I might do something really bad
You really don't wants to see my bad side
Answer me God dammit
If you don't answer me I'm going to your house
If I don't find you there I'm going to your hyung
I will tell everything to him
And I really don't care if he separate us again
He will not have a chance to do that anyway
That is it
I'm done with this shit
Now you will see who is JEON JUNGKOOK



"Good night Jimin. Good night hyung." I said as I got up from couch in the living room.

"Good night Tae, sweet dreams." They both said in the same time. I left from there as they left cuddling there on the couch.

I walked into room where I will sleep tonight. I closed the door then throw myself on the bed.

"He will never change. I thought that he really likes me and that he will change for me but no, he is still same." I said as tear escaped from my eyes down to my cheek. I wiped tears and sat up on the bed.

"No!! I will not cry because of him. I didn't do anything wrong, he is the one who made wrong decision. He could change but he didn't wanted now he will see what means to live without me." I said as I stood up and picked up my bag. I silently walked out of the room then downstairs.

Jiminie and hyung fall in sleep on the couch.

"I'm sorry for leaving like this, I hope that you all will forgive me one day. I love you guys, bye." I whispered then left out of the house and started walking. I don't know where am I going but I will find some safe place, some place away from everyone.



"I'm coming!!!" Jin yelled as he was walking towards door.

"Ohh gosh who is here in this time?" Jin said then opened door only to be met with him, with person whom he hated the most.

"Wtf are you doing here?" Jin yelled.

"Calm down hyung, I came to see Taehyung." He said.

"Jungkook you are not going to see Taehyung. I will not let you to hurt him again." Jin said as he glared at Jungkook who just smirked then pushed Jin and walked into house.

He runned upstairs into Taehyung's room only to find noone.

"Where the fuck is he?" Jungkook yelled then runned back downstairs.

"Taehyung isn't here, he is not living with me." Jin said with hope that Jungkook will believe to him.

"You think that I'm stupid?? I know that he is living here and I already met him a lot of times. What do you think who gave him that hickeys on his neck?? What do you think where did he spend night yesterday?" Jungkook said while smirking.

"N-no way." Jin said as he widened his eyes.

"It's true, we are together but he hided that from you. He knew that you will separate us again if he say anything about me to you. Yes, I am the one who gave hickeys to him and yes he spend night in my house yesterday which is next to your house." Jungkook said while looking at Jin who looked like he saw a ghost.

"What did you do to my brother you monster??" Jin yelled and pushed Jungkook.

"I didn't do anything, he came by himself to me." Jungkook yelled.

"Don't lie, don't fucking lie. My Tae wouldn't do that." Jin said.

"He is mine, 𝒐𝒏𝒍𝒚 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒆." Jungkook yelled.

"No, no, no. This is impossible. Because of you he didn't wanted to stay here tonight." Jin yelled.

"About what are you talking?? Where is he??" Jungkook asked while shaking Jin to answer to him. Jin pushed him and runned out of the house.

Jungkook immediately runned after him and after 5 minutes they was in front of Jimin's house.

"Jimin!!!! Jimin, open the door!!!!" Jin yelled as he keeps knocking on the door. Door soon opened revealing sleepy Jimin.

"What happened hyung?" Jimin asked.

"Where is Taehyung?" Jin asked.

"He is upstairs in the room sleeping." Jimin said and Jin didn't wasted any minute to run upstairs.

"Jungkook!!! What are you doing here??" Jimin screamed making Yoongi to immediately run to them.

"Shut up, will you?" Jungkook said.

"Watch your mouth. Why are you here?" Yoongi asked.

"I'm here to take my boyfriend with me." Jungkooo said calmy.

"What??? Who is your boyfriend?" Jimin asked.

"Taehyung of course." Jungkook said and was about to walk inside when they heard Jin's scream.

Jin runned downstairs while crying.

"Where is Tae??? Where did he left??" Jin asked while tears was falling and falling from his eyes.

"What do you mean by where is Tae?? Isn't he in his room?" Jimin asked.

"No he is not." Jin said and fall on the ground.

"Hyung!!" Jimin yelled and kneeled down pulling Jin into hug.

"Where is my baby brother?" Jin was asking and asking but noone could answer him.

"You!!! Everything is your fault!!! Get lost from our life!!" Jin yelled.

"Why is his fault?" Jimin asked.

"I told you about Taehyung's toxic ex-boyfriend. That is him, he is the one who did all of that bad things to Taehyung in the past." Jin said on what Jimin widened his eyes.

"Get out of here, right now!!" Jimin yelled at Jungkook.

Jungkook was lost, Taehyung left him again. He turned around and walked away from there. He was walking on the street, not knowing where is he going.

He don't know what to do. He don't know where to find Taehyung, his Taehyung. He don't know where to start to search for Taehyung, he is lost.

He fall down on his kness, crying. First time, after long time he is crying.

"He can't leave me, he can't leave me again. He can't just do that, he loves me. He can't get away from me, he can't, he can't do the same thing again. I will not survive this time." Jungkook yelled.

"I c-can't live without him. I n-need him in my life, he can't leave me all alone. Tae!!!! My Tae!!!! Come back to me please!!!! Please my love!!!! Come back." He yelled.

"I will find you my love and this will be the last time that you runned from me." Jungkook said as he wiped his tears and stood up from the ground.


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