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"But that's not all is it? There's still something you forgot to remember. They've been waiting for you Sophie"

I opened my eyes. I was laying on the ground, my body stiff. I slowly sat up, I was trying to remember what happened, and looked around. The only light was coming from a sliver by the door across the room. 'I wonder where I am...'

Then everything hit me at once. The fight with the deviant, I got shot. Soon the door opened, it was the creator of androids, Merlin. "Ah, you're awake meliodas." I tried scanning the room, 'Shit.' My sensors are deactivated. "So you realized. Sorry meliodas, we're taking you to another home. You let the deviant get shot."

I looked up at her, confused. "But- I accomplished my mission, I made sure the child was safe-!" She cut me off by putting a hand to my face. "What you needed to accomplish, was to make sure the deviant was safe so we could figure out what's happening, you shouldn't have let it escape meliodas"

I sighed, "I understand, what is the home I'm serving in?" She gave me a devilish smirk. "Someone by the name of  Elizabeth, Lioness" suddenly my version went black.
Time skip

I walked off the bus now heading to my owners home, I made sure the paints were still in my hand as I walked up to the door. "Alarm deactivated. Welcome home, Meliodas." I slowly walked in, seeing the usual sight, It was so beautiful. The staircase was partly painted with the most beautiful array of colors, there was the most gorgeous set of furniture set up around it.

I set the box of paints on the golden vanity, now putting my jacket on the coat rack. I then walked up to the bird cage, reactivating the birds inside. Looking at the time I walked over to the kitchen setting up for her breakfast. Finishing up everything in here I went to her art studio.

I was making sure everything was in place, it looked perfect. But I stopped for a second, I was admiring her work, 'How I wish I could do this...' a shook my thoughts out and decided it was finally time to wake her up.

I drew the curtains open, "Good morning, Elizabeth." She quickly replied with a yawn, "Good morning meliodas." I smiled softly, "it's 10 a.m. The weather is partly cloudy, 54 degrees, 80% humidity, with a strong possibility of afternoon showers." She laid  back down, "It sounds like a good day to spend in bed..."

"I did go to pick up the paint you ordered." I slowly walked up to her, "Oh, yes, I'd forgotten!" I offered out an arm. "That is the difference between you and me, right Meliodas? You never forget anything." She held onto my arm as she got up, I walked her down the stairs and sat her down in front of her breakfast.

"Bacon and eggs like your usual Elizabeth." I lifted up the top to see the perfectly cooked bacon, and golden scrambled eggs. "You can do anything you'd like while I finish eating Meliodas" I gave off a bow while walking off, I decided that playing a bit of piano wasn't so bad.

After thirty minutes she was finished, "Fancy a round of chess with me Meliodas?" I gave a small smile, I nodded as I walked over to the chess table. "Fast chess" we both matched paces as we made our moves, I decided to let her win. "Oh, come on Meliodas, I know you did that on purpose!" I let out a nervous chuckle.

"Well, you don't usually give me many choices madam Elizabeth"

She let out a sigh as she crossed her arms, "That's fair, we humans are very complicated." I nodded in agreement, "One day I won't be here to take care of you meliodas...you'll have to protect yourself, and make your choices, decide who you are, and wanna become..."

"Let's go to the studio" I offered her my arm, she then held onto me as I walked her into her studio. I placed her onto the strange machine, as I watched it lift her up to reach the large canvas. "Pull the sheet down for me would you?" I nodded with a smile as I pulled the silk curtains to the side, it revealed such a beautiful panting.

It was a figure of a human, painted with mostly blue hues. "So, what's your verdict meliodas?" I stared in amazement, slowly thinking of a response. "Yes, there is something about it. Hm...something I can't...quite define. It's absolutely stunning though Elizabeth!"

"Let's see if you have any talent!"

"What- I-" she cut me off by handing me the paints, I sighed as I slowly walked over to the canvas. I looked around trying to find something to paint, I decided on the desk. I gently dipped the brush in the paint, I slowly let my brush drift across the canvas.

"That is a perfect copy, of reality. But painting is not about replicating the world, it's about interpreting it, improving on it, showing something you see."

I slowly shook my head, "Elizabeth I don't...think I can do that. It's not in my program...I...-" she laughed and shook her head as well.
"Go on, go, try, grab that canvas." I looked at him with confusion, but non the less I took the used canvas, and replaced it with the new blank one.

I sighed, 'you can do this...'

Imprisoned Mind | Nanatsu no Taizai Where stories live. Discover now