part 2

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You made the best out of the whole day. You made some new friends. No one messed with you, and you found out who you really are. You've changed, thanks to your new friends. You aren't going to let anybody take advantage of you. You are going to speak up for your self. Everything has been going good until the final bell rung. It's time to go HOME. Home is the last place you want to go. You got up and left the building. You started to walk home, Forgetting that Princeton offered you a ride home. You walked home with your head down. You started to think about the things your step dad will be doing. Your mom isn't coming home tonight , because she's working over time. You was half way home and started to hear a honking noise. The sound startled you. You looked to your left and saw Princeton in his green jeep. He had a worried look on his face. He rolled down the window on the passengers side.

Prince: what's wrong? I was suppose to give u a ride home but, U left in such a hurry.

You didn't know how to tell him that you live in a abusive house and that u r sexually assaulted everyday. You opened the door and climbed into the jeep. You sat there silently. You made an awkward vibe. He tried to make small talk, but you didn't budge. He pulled over next to the corner store and opened your door. He reached out his hand for you to jump down. You didn't want him to see u like this. A hot mess. It's only been one day since you guys known each other. You grabbed his hand, and helped u down. You guys walked into the store and he started talking.

Prince: tell me what's wrong.

You: I just don't want to go home. That's all.

Prince: I know we just met and all but maybe u can stay the night at my house.

You: um, I don't know. Maybe another day. Can we just....

Prince: just what?

You: just hang out today?

Prince: yeah, we can do that. .... Grab some snacks.

You grabbed some snacks and you guys went across the street to the park.

you guys sat on the bench enjoying the ice cream Princeton bought. It was hot outside so u decided to roll up your sleeves.

Prince: what's that? *pointing at the bruises and scars on ur arm*

Your thoughts/ Pov

Damn! I forgot all about the bruises from last night. What should I say. I started to freeze up.. I thought of something quick: '' I fell'' I started to feel guilty for lying. But it's just the fact that we don't know each other well. '' I'm very clumsy'' I added. He rubbed the marks gently and said '' just be careful'' There was another awkward silence. But this time it wasn't like before. He knew I was thinking to hard. And I was. The guilt is killing me inside. I just couldn't give away my trust so easily. He broke my train of thoughts and said '' what's really wrong?'' Those words replayed over and over again in my head. Before I knew it, my eyes were filled with tears. Princeton pulled me close. I felt embarrassed. I tried to stop crying, but I couldn't stop. I never really got this kind of attention. This kind of love. I only get it from Nia and sometimes from mom. He kissed my forehead and continued to rub my back. Along period of time passed by and it started to get late. I stopped crying and Princeton did the best he could to make me smile. We watched ths sun officially go down and we just sat down admiring the stars. We talked and laughed. He was in the middle of a joke, but my phone started to ring. I looked at my phone and it said Bruce. I felt the tears forming. Princeton started to worry. It was on the last ring and I answered it.


you: hello?

Bruce: where r u?

He talked in his calm voice. Idk why he is so abusive and angry and is always drinking. He is so young. He's 26. My mom, became friends with him. They did the nasty a couple times. And she got feelings for him. They got married and he moved in. He rushed the relationship. He became controlling, and aggressive. Then abusive. When my mom left to work the whole day, he sweet talked me. He wanted to do the nasty with me, but he wouldn't take no for an answer, he hit me then raped. He told me sooner or later I'll be enjoying it. I'll be his personal slave . If I get on his good side he promises that he won't hurt me.

Back to CONVO

You: I'm with a friend. I'll be home in a couple minutes.

Bruce: okay good, I was starting to worry. When will I be seeing Nia. I got something for her.

You: I don't know.

Bruce: well come soon. Bye.

You: bye.

End of CONVO

Prince: Um,I guess u have to go home right?

You: yup. I enjoyed this.

Prince: me too..

He put his arm around ur shoulder and walked you to the car.

It was a short ride home. You guys sat in the drive through for a minute.

Prince: call me or text me if u need anything.

You: okay .

You opened the door, and turned around and gave him a quick peck on the lips. You knew you won't be at school for a while. If u do come, u won't be the same.

You jumped out the car and said '' I really enjoyed this, thanks.''

He said good bye and drove away. You opened the front door, not knowing what's going to happen next.

Let me love you(Princeton story starring you)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें