Chapter three making the video

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When I woke up this morning I saw that I had a lot of miss DMs from Colby I thought I wonder what he's doing right now anyways I better reply so he don't think that I'm dead

Colbys and Kaylas DMs
Colby: hey are you awake?
Colby :if your not just DM later
Colby :I wanted to see what time your coming today to help me with my YouTube video
Kayla :yeah I just woke up I need your address because I should be there soon

I quickly got out of bed and got dressed then I heard my phone go off so I knew it was probably Colby when I checked my phone it was Colby he had sent me the address so I just got on my shoes and grabbed my car keys when I got out to my car one of my neighbors were walking to there car I said "hi ms blanker shift" ms blanker shift just stared at me when I got into my car ms blanker shift doesn't really talk to me I don't know why but I still stay hi so she knows I'm respectful when I got to Colbys house Sam was outside with a girl with pink hair I got out of the car and said "hi Sam" Sam said "hey this is my girlfriend Kat" I knew who Kat was but she died her hair whattt I said "hi Kat" Kat said "hello" Sam said "Colbys in his room setting up" I said "alright thanks Sam bye Kat" Kat said "bye" when I walked into the house it was quiet so I said "hello" I heard walking downstairs and in the corner of my eye I saw colby walking down the stairs I said "hey Colby" Colby smiled and said "hey how's your day so far" I said "well my day is going great now that I see you" Colby said "oh my good my room is all set up" I said "alright let's go then" when we walked to Colbys room I saw that Colby was right everything was set up me and Colby sat down on the couch and turned on the camera Colby said "what's up guys it's Colby I hope you all are doing good sorry if I haven't posted a video in two weeks but I did see some of you yesterday at Vidcon so that was awesome because I've missed you guys anyways today as you can see I don't have Sam I have another guest that has never been on here why don't you introduce yourself" I said "hi I am Kayla" Colby said "today me and Kayla are going to be telling our scary experiences growing up " I said "oh dear I only have one" Colby said "that's ok do you wanna go first or do you want me to go first" I said "whatever you wanna do it doesn't matter to me" Colby said "alright I'll go first" I laughed then said "ok" Colby said "ok so when I was about maybe eight me and my siblings went to visit our grandparents out in Arizona now when we first showed up to the house I knew instantly that this house gave me bad vibes but I still didn't really mind the house so later on that night we had an AC in our room to keep the room cool because you gotta think it's summer and summer in Arizona is really hot so I knew you know this week at my grandparents house could be bad or good so as I was saying later on that night the AC just turned on and I was still awake because I could not sleep so now you got the AC turning on by itself and I definitely can't go back to bed the whole night I was tossing snd turning well then when I told my grandma that I didn't sleep at all last night because of the AC just turned on by itself my grandma said really the AC don't turn on by itself she was probably thinking I was crazy or something so I told her no it literally turned on by itself and my grandma was like what time was it so I told her about midnight and she said it was mrs Wilson I remember saying who abd my grandma telling me a story of this elderly woman died in that house that my grandparents were living in and the lady loved the AC all she would do is run it and every time it shut off she would turn it back on and the next night I could've sworn I saw mrs Wilson standing over my bed and remember going back home snd telling my mom I never wanna stay at that house again" I said "damn well that was creepy" Colby said "yeah I know so what's yours about"I said "well the only person that knows this story is my dad and this is a very Heavy topic for me so I will try my best not to cry so this happened two years ago so I was twenty two when this happened to me and my friends decided to go to the grave that my great grandpa was buried so I told my dad that we were gonna go that night and my dad told me no bad things happen at grave yards so the answer is no but of course i didn't listen I still went so you know my friends picked me up at twelve and when we got to the grave yard it was already dark when I sat down on the grass next to my grandpas grave one of my friends who was a girl said what did your grandpa look like and I told them he like to wear flannels and denim jeans with like the base ball caps and my friend said I had a dream about your grandpa then he said we need to be careful when it comes to haunted stuff if we play with fire we just might get burnt now my other friend said guys it's already one we've been here for an hour why don't we go so we took my grandpas advice and left when I got dropped off at my house my dad was sitting on my couch I said what are you doing here dad and my dad said why the hell did you go to that grave when I told you not to I said because I wanted to now I am going to bed so my dad got off the couch and left my house well when I woke up the next morning I got a long  text from my dad saying I told you not to go to that grave they found your friends dead they said they died in a car crash and it happened around one thirty that could've been you so for now on I learned my lesson and now I listen to my dad" Colby said "wow I am sorry to hear about your friends" I said "yeah" I wiped the tear off my face while Colby ended the video.

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