Part 2

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Karina :"heya, guys!!! sorry for the wait, but i had a BAD score on my science test and i had to repeat the test again."

Hiro :"really? science is very easy!"

Karina :"*roll eyes* alright, lets get started. enjoy!!!"
Hiro's POV

His pure face, his gentle can't be...but i can't think logically now. Everything around me is black. And i can't hear anything. the one i can see and hear is him. only him.

"T-tadashi?" I said stuttered, and he just look puzzled.

"U-um, hey kid? are you alright? did you hurt your head?" he asking me, checking my head with his soft hand.

"HIRO!!!" i see honey, gogo, fred, and wassabi approaching us, and helping me to stand up. they seem didnt notice the guy.

"HIRO HAMADA! WHAT IN THE WORLD ARE YOU THINGKING ABOUT?!" Gogo shouted directly to my ear. man, that shout is really something...

"U-uh, im sorry-"


"Ehem" that guy cleared his throat. all the gang turn around and found that all their faces turned pale.

"T-TADASHI!?" honey, gogo, and wassabi freaked out.

"Y-y-you're still alive???" Fred said with horror in his face. The guy's confused face turn into a more confused face. and he just sighed in depression.

"Look, i dont know who are you people, and i dont know who is tadashi, but my name is not tadashi. My name is ryuuji. Kazuhiko ryuuji." Wait, so he's not tadashi? Well of course not you dumbass. but he is very similiar with tadashi! The difference is, he wear a black rimmed glasses.

"Eh? you're not tada-" honey pinch wassabi's butt so he can shut up.

"Ow! that's a sexual harrasment!" wassabi half yelled half whispered to honey, while honey just rolling her eyes.

"Alright, ryuuji. would you mind if we leave you a second? we will come back in no time. stay right here, please" ryuuji puzzled, and then nodded. Gogo drag us to the corner of a building.

"Guys, it's not tadashi. Tadashi is already dead. you guys should admit it. He is only a guy who look very similiar to tadashi. especially you hiro." Gogo said looking at me.

"Yeah, i know. but he is very similiar with tadashi..." i said with a sad voice. While gogo sighed.

"Me too, dude. i think he is very very very very very very very very very similiar with tadashi!" Fred said with his annoying voice.

"Alright. so he is NOT tadashi. he just a guy who look very similiar with tadashi. Because of that, you guys should being indifferent with him. and DONT call him tadashi. or else we will be presumed crazy. case closed" honey said, and we nodded.

"Ok, let's get back. i assume he already waiting for us." i said and we headed back. Just as i expected(what!?), the man is waiting for us.

"So? How it goes?" the man asked us.

"We were talked about how we say thank you to you because you were helped hiro from the accident. and just in time, we want to go to the pizza hut. how about you come with us?"

WHAT!? honey invited him!?
"BUT-"..... and my feet trampeled by gogo. Shit. It hurt so much.

"Hmmmm...." that guy thinking. please say no, please say no. I dont want to get in touch with tadashi again. or a guy who look very similiar with him.

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