Chapter 27

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The next morning everyone was assembled in Potter mansion. Harry had still not come. Everyone was curious about his sudden meeting. Out of four people in his house, three had the idea and were well prepared for it.

When Harry came, his mother said, "Why so sudden meeting, Harry? Is everything alright?"

Harry said," Yes mom, I have decided something. Please don't interrupt as I speak."

He continued, "I am resigning from the position of CEO of Potter Enterprise."

Everyone together said, "What!"

Harry chuckled, "You can give your reactions after I am done. I have also transferred all my shares and the assets under the company's name to you mom. You are now the head of the Enterprise. This house and everything else belongs to you."

His mother said, "I am not going to accept it. Why are you just leaving everything like this? Please talk to us and we can sort everything out."

Harry replied, "Everything is alright. I was thinking about it for a long time but waited for the correct moment. You have done so much for us mom, all this belongs to you."

Though, they were dancing in happiness but they had to maintain this innocent look. His brother said, "Harry, what will you do now? Will you work under mom from now on?"

Harry said, "That's a good question. Sorry, I haven't explained myself completely. I am resigning from the entire company. I hold no power whatsoever in the company now. Everything belongs to you all. Also, I am moving out from this mansion. I'll share the details of my new home later."

James who was quiet for long, "Son, why are you doing this all of a sudden?"

Help said, "Dad, relax. I am in my right mind. This is for everyone's betterment."

James said, "What betterment? How will you earn your living? Who will hire you? You have been CEO for long of a company."

Harry said, "Dad, I have thought over it. I have transferred everything under the name of Potter Enterprise, not the companies that I annexed under my name. I have other companies under my name that I brought but have been neglected for long. I'll take over as their CEO and earn my living. Also, I have brought a house for myself. You don't have to worry about anything. I'll visit often."

His mother caressed his hair, "Son, you didn't have to do such drastic things. Why are you leaving us this suddenly?"

Harry said, "I am shifting to a different place. I am always there in your heart. I am thinking to start my family and so wanted to start a fresh with her. This house belongs to you all."

James was shocked, "You are getting married."

Harry said, "Dad, I haven't asked the girl yet. I'll marry only after she agrees."

His brother said, "Harry, if you are leaving. Can I have all your cars, then?"

Harry smirked but masked his feeling, "I have transferred things that belonged to the company only, brother. Those cars are from my earnings or rather my salary as CEO. So, little brother, they still belong to me. I have already packed my things and will take them by night along with my cars."

James said, " Son, who is the girl? She is your PA?"

Harry smiled, "Yes, she is my PA. But, also she is the only daughter of Arthur and Molly Weasley, Ginny Weasley."

James asked, "Why was she working in our company,then?"

Harry said, "She was interning for experience. But the most important thing is I love her and am ready to start new life with her, leaving behind my past. So have done all this. Hope you all can understand."

He hugged everyone one by one. While hugging his mother, he whispered, "Mom, I have given my everything to you. Hope you are satisfied now. I could have given my siblings the company but they would have thrown you out from their life the next moment. Take care of you and dad. I have nothing else to give. Please bless me genuinely for the first and last time."

She looked flabbergasted but moved her hand on his hairs. Next was his father, James whispered to him, "You are finally free from this shackle. I am so happy for you. I would love to meet the girl who gave my blinded son this much courage."

Harry said, "Sure, dad. I really wish I could pull you out of this. I'll introduce you to her. You are free to come anytime."

James said, "I am living my hasty decisions and mistakes. This is my punishment." Both father and son had moistened their eyes.

Bidding his family goodbye, he sat in his car. He called the moving company to shift his cars and some things to his new home. He, then, called Draco to ask if every thing was ready. He drove to his next stop, to do a very important thing, to propose his Ginny, a woman for whom he took the biggest step of his life.

Finally, he is going to propose her! Are you excited? We are just one chapter away to complete our Hinny's love story. Thank you for supporting me till here.     ♥  U  Guys!

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