Chapter 22

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It was last month of Ginny's internship. Neville and Michael were offered permanent job in Finance and Marketing and Research. Lavender was not offered the job. Neville and Michael were discussing, whether they should accept the the job or not.

Neville said, "I think, I am willing to stay. They offered the position of finance auditor. It's well paying and the contract is of only 5 years. I can stay for that long. What do you say Michael?"

Michael said, "I think, I'll stay too. I agree with your thoughts. They taught us so many things, we have good growth here as most of the staff knows us. What about you Ginny, what position have you been offered?"

Ginny replied, "I have been offered a position in PR and forgein investment. There is no post as such."

Michael nudged, "So, you staying then?"

Ginny lost in thoughts, "I don't know. Haven't thought yet."

Ginny's cell phone ringed and she went to Harry's cabin. Ginny said, "You called me."

Harry replied, "Yeah. I wanted to ask about your job offer from HRD."

Ginny said, "I have been asked to join in the department of forgein investment and PR."

Harry said, "At what post?"

Ginny replied, "I was told there is as such no post but since, I excel in the department of background check, I can decide our forgein investment properly and head it."

Harry asked excitedly, "So you staying?"

Ginny replied, "Not sure! Haven't thought about it. You want me to stay?"

Harry squirmed in his seat, "If you like here, you should stay. I have to search for new a PA either way."

Ginny threw pen stand at him, "Do hell with your PA post!"


The month was about to end in a week. Neville and Michael already gave in their answer.

Ginny had still not replied and she had only a day remaining to reply. Harry desperately wanted her to stay but he couldn't force her. It was her choice and he would let her make it.

Ginny wanted to stay but she was groomed to be the CEO of Weasley Corporation and couldn't let her father down. This position was not good for her career. Not that Arthur won't let her. He would do anything for her.She wouldn't leave her father for something non existent and just a feel. Harry had given her no reason to stay. Ultimately, she chose her father and gave a negative response.

Harry was informed of her answer was fuming, his insecurities took better of him and he called her in his cabin, "So, you decided to leave me like all others, huh?" He held her hand tightly.

Ginny said, "Leave my hand, Harry. You are hurting me. I am leaving the job and not you. We would still be friends. I am always there for you."

He raised one of his eyebrows, "Friends" and looked at her deeply as if to read her. She had a blank expression; only a smile on her face. She blinked. He pulled her near by her shoulders, "Yeah! Sorry! Yeah we are friends. We can always remain friends. I was out of line. So, your last assignment as my PA cum intern is to prepare a presentation for a new meeting with a company we want to collaborate it. Prepare a proposal that they can't refuse."

Ginny blinked again," Sure. Let me know the company's name and what they are looking for."

Harry said, "That's your test. No company name will be given to you. Prepare your best presentation and show me what you have learnt from me and this company. The owner of the company is very important to me. So, I want your best and nothing else. Also, you'll be presenting it."

"If it is so important for you, why can't you present it. I'll prepare the presentation. You are making me nervous."

"Ginny, remember the first rule in business. Never show your weakness and if you haven't heard me properly, it is your test. You have four days, I wanna see how much my pupil has learnt. I have complete trust on you. Now start preparing, take this file, it will help you."

Ginny nodded and left. She prepared day and night for the presentation. She wanted to show him, she was worthy of his trust. She also wanted to prove herself that she was capable of the post that belonged to her since her birth.

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