~63~ Life as it happened

Start from the beginning

But, as I had been for a while...I sat still - a single, dusty orange carnation being held loosely in the twirl-like dance my fingers made it do mindlessly.

It was oddly peaceful, a small thing I found myself drawn to as I seemingly studied the small specks of white dotted around the flared out petals.

My chest falls with an even breath - my shoulders relaxed in a boredom I didn't want to cure at that moment.

'If only they'd just move...' my thoughts spark up into a gentle flame that dusted my cheeks in a flush that met with the king's gaze.
I roll my shoulders, as if to show the room of my impatient lack of enthusiasm - the same room I was stuck in as there were two males 'unknowingly' blocking my only exit.

"Having trouble with the arrangements, my dear?" The velvet laced voice speaks up - his eyes watching the flower cluttered top of the table - and in my mind I tense like a child that had been caught stealing sweets or an extra crumb of gingerbread.

The king had glanced over at me twice in the past few minutes - and I could only assume he had more than took notice of my server lack of progress.

And yet I stay both silent, and still aside from the small flower my fingers played with.

The royal male whispers something to his companion - clearly concerned and unamused by my silence - and in turn Samuel nods before taking a small step back.

The king's steps were gentle on their way towards me - only being signaled by the clicking of his heels and the fact I knew he drew near.
I pick off one of the leaves from the lanky green stem, shaking my head slowly in answer to a question that wasn't asked and a gentle breath greets the air around me.

"Sweetheart." The king's word grabs my attention and I look up rather quickly.
"Is it about yesterday?"

His expression was one I couldn't fully read, but his question was simple - one that told me he could still read me like an open book he had practically memorized.

I nod rather stiffly, my hand tightening around the flower's stem.

"Talk to me, please," George grabs my attention once again, his hand brushing my shoulder and my unfocused gaze remains on his features. "I can't help you if you don't."

"Martha and Annette, they-" my hands let the flower fall limp, my thumb running over the edge and I turn my gaze to his shoulder.
"they asked if my family would be attending..."

"Is that the only reason you're struggling?" He asks slowly and I shrug as if I didn't know the answer myself.

The male kneels down in front of me and our eyes meet with a hitched breath from my less than relaxed state.

His eyes remained gentle, his hand finding its way to my knee and a more calm smile reaches his lips.
"Carnations." He speaks up, his tone suggesting he was trying to cheer me up in some way.
"I'm guessing you or your mother are quite fond of them? If you're still upset, you can come back to the flowers."

"...it was my mother." I say, failing to find my own smile. "Daisies and carnations were her favorites. Roses were my sister's."

George chuckles rather softly as he glances at the table. "And are none of these to your liking?" He asks and I quickly shake my head in swift disagreement.

"No- no, don't get me wrong, these are all...pretty, but..." I move my hands closer to my abdomen.
"I can't decide- I won't decide..."

"And why's that?" George responds and I glance at the maids across the room - each still busy with their work, before I shake my head and look back at the male.

"Nerves I guess. Yesterday was rather..."

"Frightening?" George finishes my thought and I wasn't surprised he had.

I look down, ceasing my want to nod, to affirm that he was correct even if he already knew it was.
"I just got to thinking...that maybe...if I didn't help with the planning of the wedding it would be postponed- buy me time." I whisper and a small breath from the male told me he was thinking what I said over.

"Sadly, it wouldn't affect much, my love."
The male's words could be deemed threatening - at least somewhat, yet his tone suggested otherwise.
"For if you don't decide, Marion and I will, for you- I'm sure between the two of us we can get something close to your liking."

"George." I interject as I look up and lean forward only just - my shoulders pointed back as if I were trying to over-correct my posture.
"Please...I-I care for you- truly I do...but please don't make me do this; my family-"

"Will be fine. We've been over this before, sweetheart." His kind tone cuts me off and a pleading look bores into his eyes - telling of my worry and I shake my head once again.

"Your majesty, listen-"

"Hush." George stands with the gentle toned order and I fidget in my seat as he seemed to loom over me, his frame holding more confidence that was coated under an expression I couldn't fully read.
His hands fix his jacket, his blue eyes more clear than the finest diamonds, and I swallow back my protest.
"I'll have Marion finish flower arrangements for you. You're clearly stressed, and although I'd love your input for our special day, I can't have you worrying about it to the point of slowing things down." He chuckles with a more dry smile.
"The two of us will handle it until you feel as though you're ready to pick it back up."

I look up, watching as the king flicks his wrist - gesturing for Samuel to step closer - and as the more quiet male does he turns his gaze away from me.

"Find Marion, tell her I need her to come finish up a few things here and that we'll go into more detail later." He explains and Samuel nods promptly before turning on his heel.

I stand from my spot within moments, my hand falling to hang by my side and I glance to look back at Samuel - my tone hushed.

"Not another word." George cuts me off calmly, his voice quiet and he turns my head just enough for my gaze to snap back to his icy, yet warm eyes. "Listen, I'm not trying to sound harsh, but this conversation dies here, and it would be best for you to let it...at least for now."

"But, your majesty, Marion is already rather busy- she has her own work that needs tending to and that would only add to her schedule. I don't want to cause her any unnecessary problems."

"George, love." He corrects me and my eyes glimmer with the failure of hidden sadness as he continues.
"And if you're that worried about dear Marion taking over planning, then maybe...you could help her? I for one know she would love to spend some extra time with you."

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