I talk with Nick while we wait for the time to pass. That douche standing next to me who thankfully doesn't smell of weed but it was expected.

"Imagine if you got this clown?" Nick chuckles pointing to Cameron.

"No matter what he does with you, he's no challenge to me," he says kissing me again.


"Nicky, if I get you, we are not putting on a scene for your friends to wank off to," I say pulling away.

"Babe I wasn't gonna make you do anything plus those guys aren't my friends they are the stoners," He says.

He for sure would have me up against the fucking door to make sure everyone knows we are having sex for Seven minutes in heaven.

"Alright, pants best be done up because time is up," Miles announced, and the guys whine when the door opens.

Sammy is fixing her hair up and Corey's pants are currently getting fixed by him.

When they leave Michael faces the crowd that is now half-sitting.

"Up next..." he shuffles into the cap. Pulls out two strips and one of the other goons holds the cap.

He opens one and smirks. "Nicky," he says. Please say another guy's name or mine.

He opens the other and his eyes go wide and almost sad. "Peach," he says. "Damn I really wanted it to be you," He says to me.

Miles opens the door.

Nick walks away from me and peach does as well. Nick whispers something to his friend Ryder then they enter the dark room.

Ryder closes the door this time.

I've never doubted that Nick only loves me.

Ryder knocks on the door. "Makes some noises!" He exclaims and the guys cheer. If they make any noises i'm leaving this party.

"They won't do anything because man is pussy whipped by princess over there," Ryder points to me.

"So I guess party until the seven minutes is up i'll stop the music when its up." The music starts back up.

"If it isn't completely silent here how am I supposed to hear if they do anything?" I whisper to Ryder.

"He loves you do you not trust him? That is very shitty of you Cat," he says.

"It's not that I'm doubting it, they are two drunk teenagers playing a party game anything could go on," I say.

"Trust me I know my best friend he only wants you," he says.

A best friend backs his best friend no matter what.

I sigh. "Fine."

I walk away and meet with Amena. "This is more like seven minutes of hell," I say. "Don't worry they won't do anything," she assures me.

"I know but just a thought," I say. Seven minutes feels like seven hours when it's your boyfriend with your best friend locked in a dark closet together.

It feels like it's been hours but it's only been three minutes.

"Look girl I found champagne," One of my other friends says, walking up to me holding a bottle.

"Thank you I need it," I say opening it and without a glass, I drink from the bottle.

by the time five minutes came, i'm mentally freaking out. The champagne is helping but not well.

And it's also making me in the mood.

But the thought of Peach and Nick fucking is turning me off.

I'm dancing with Amena to try and take my thoughts off of Nick and Peach.

Then seven minutes finally comes.

The music stops and Miles stands in front of the door. "Pants done up? Because seven minutes is up." he opens the door.

And they are sitting in separate parts of the room.

I sigh with relief but still feel a bit off. Nick stands and walks out first while Peach walks out next.

Nick walks towards me. "Thank fuck," He says. He smells familiar. And now that dreading feeling is coming back.

He smells like Peach.

Not the fruit the ginger and not the spice the redhead with freckles!

I see all the signs while looking at him. Peach has a red lip on and I notice his lips are darker than they were before.

I move my hand to his face. "I trust you didn't do anything with her?"

"Why would I? Reds aren't my type," he says.

I see a faint red mark on his neck that wasn't there before. Maybe i'm just overreacting because of the buzz i'm feeling from the champagne.

When he parts his lips I see a bit of smudged red at the corner of his lips.

His hair even looks a bit different.

"What did you guys do in there?" Michael asks out of curiosity. "Nothing but listen to him talk about Kitty," Peach says with a smile.

"Okay next up is..." Miles starts to shuffle through the cap again with his eyes closed and pulls out two names.

He opens his eyes snd his jaw smacks to the floor.

"Well, would you look at that? Stoner boy and spoilt brat," Michael says with a chuckle looking at the paper Miles is holding.

I whine. "Just my luck huh?" I whisper. "Like I said no challenge to me no matter what he does with you, You'll come right back to me." He whispers then kisses me.

Now the gloss is completely off. That ass never listens.

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