1. Happy Birthday Little Angel, It's Time To Board The Train

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// Dean's POV

"Dean! Dean! Wake up!" He heard Sammy yelled as he ran across the room.

Dean checked his phone for the time.


"Why? It's too early!"

"Get up, asshat. You're going to Hogwarts." Sam commanded.

Dean quickly sat up with a wide smile on his face.

"Watch your language." Dean reminded his little brother and ran to the bathroom.

((I messed up time frames since their in America and John and Sherlock in England. SO LET'S JUST SAY THAT THE WINCHESTER AND NOVAKS ARE GOING ON A PLANE TO LONDON REALLY EARLY OKAY?! God I'm such a screw up))

"Jerk." Sam groaned.

"Bitch!" Dean called from the toilet.

"Watch your language." Their father warned as he pulled duffle bags out to the Impala.

Sam snickered before running off to help their dad.

Dean finished his potty business and changed into some comfortable clothes, grabbed his suitcase, phone, and other small objects, and ran out to the Impala.

Today was going to be a long day.


// Castiel's POV

"Cassie...sweetie." He heard his mothers soothing voice trying to wake him.

Castiel slowly opened his eyes and smiled at her. It was still dark. She never woke him up when it was still dark unless it was something important.

"What happened?" He asked, sitting up and rubbing his eyes.

"Come with me..." She smiled and walked out of his room.

Castiel quickly jumped out of bed and followed his mother.

She lead him to the living room and sat him down.

"There's something you need to know..." She smiled. The house was still dark but not before the lights flickered on and a wide smile grew across his mothers face.

"Psst..." he heard someone whisper behind him.

Castiel turned around but no one was there.

"Psst." Someone else whispered.

And then his eyes were covered.

"Mom?" What happened?! I can't see! Mommy!" Castiel placed his small hands over the ones on his eyes. They weren't his mom. The fingers weren't thin and the nails weren't long.

"How's my little boy doing?" He heard a familiar voice ask.

Castiel pulled the hands off his face and turned around.

"Daddy!" He yelled, a wide smile spreading on his face. His dad smiled and picked him up, spinning him around.

"Hey! He's not the only one here!" He heard someone else yell.

Gabriel and Michael tackled him and their dad onto the floor, laughter filling the room.

"Boys! Calm yourselves!" Their mom laughed.

Gabriel and Michael climbed off of them and Castiel jumped up, running around the room.

"I'm so glad you're home!" He gushed.

The boys sat on the couch and mom sat on dad's lap.

"So boys, why are you hear today?" His mom said, smiling.

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