Mother's advice and Izuku's secret

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"Thank you very much Bruce-san, I'll go check it out after dinner. Speaking of which, I'm guessing auntie and uncle want us to go to the dinner table after we change?"

"It is as you've assumed young master, the masters wish for you to join them as soon as you've finished changing."

"Sure thing Bruce-san, let them know I'll be there as soon as I finish changing." Izuku turned to face me. "I'll see you at the table in abit." before walking off in the direction of his room. I sighed as I turned and walked towards mine to change as well.

~~~~~Timeskip/Dinner table~~~~~

Izuku seemed to be having a blast speaking to my father like they were old friends, while my mother seemed to be more focused on me rather than Izuku.

"So Izuku my boy, how were things in America? Anything interesting stories to tell?" asked my father Ichika

"Plenty uncle Ichika! Where do I start?! Oh I know! You know how they say america is huge? Thats an understatement! If you were to travel all of japan islands, in the same amount of time it'd take you to do that, you'd have crossed one maybe two states in the U.S."

"Speaking of which, the culture there is so different! People are alot more open about what they think and say. Oh and everywhere is so different from one place to another, like if you go from the east coast to the west one you'd have thought it was a different country with how people speak, act or even the food cooked there! Honestly its an amazing country despite its problems. But thats everywhere anyways, no place is perfect."

"Is that so?! I guess we'll have to make plans to visit your parents and your home in America soon. Although I am glad you decided to come back to japan, even if its just for a short while."

There it was again, another reminder that Izuku was only here for a year. I lowered my head as I picked at my food, not really wanting to be here. I just wanted to retreat to my room and cry at my own foolishness. This didn't go unnoticed though as my mother spoke up suddenly.

"So Izuku...... when are you and momo planning to have your wedding?" she asked a sly grin spread across her face. I stiffened up like a deer caught in the headlights, as I'd never told my parents about our falling out. I looked at Izuku who, like me seemed to have be caught off guard by my mother.

Izuku paused and seemed to be thinking on how to best answer her awkward question, while my father watched on apparently excited at the thought of Izuku becoming his son-in-law. In truth I also wished for that despite everything, so I waited with some hope to hear his answer.

"Oh auntie Houki, I don't need to marry Momo just to come visit you guys! I'll always come visit when I can, there is no need to force us to get married just because you don't get to see me often!" He said with a laugh as he played it off as a joke.

What little hope I had for a positive answer was crushed, much like my heart was. I could feel my tears threatening to burst from my eyes. I couldn't take it anymore

"I'm sorry everyone...... I'm not feeling very well, I think I'll go ahead and call it a night. Goodnight mother, father, Izu...." I froze slightly as I used my nickname for Izuku, before making a beeline for my room.

Soon after I shut myself in my room, I laid there crying into my pillow. ('Why?! I didn't I realize it sooner?! How could I have been so blind?!') As I laid there crying I didn't hear my door open and shut and nearly jumped out of my skin when my mother spoke.

"Alright then, since I'm sure by the way Izuku dodged the question and the fact you bailed as soon as you could something happened between you two." she said softly as she hugged me

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