35. The February Agreement

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Monday - Ten Things I Hate About You

Y/N: "I really don't understand how you've never seen this movie."

Derek: "It's a chick flick, I don't do chick flicks."

Y/N: "Well suck it up buttercup, you're going to sit down and enjoy this chick flick with me."

Derek: "What is with you and the weird names?"

Y/N: "If you can't handle my personality just say that bald man."

Derek chuckles a bit and shakes his head. You turn the movie on and press play.

Y/N: "So?"

Derek: "So what?"

Y/N: "What're your thoughts?"

Derek: "It was alright."

Y/N: "Alright??"

Derek: "Not my type of movie that's all."

Y/N: "I'm gonna have to stop you right there mister." You say holding your hand in the air with a tight-lipped smile.

Tuesday - Escape room

You and Derek drove over to the escape room place and register for a room to go in.

Y/N: "This should be easy."

Derek: "Agreed."

Y/N: "I bet you we'll beat the time for it."

Derek: "Do you think there's a prize?"

Y/N: "Probably not. Most likely a picture on the wall." You say nodding your head in the direction of the picture board.

Worker: "Alright, are you two ready?"

Y/N: "Yes ma'am." You say with a smile.

Worker: "Alrighty, just follow me."

The worker leads you to a room and locks you inside.  A voice came on saying you had four hours to complete the room. With you two being FBI agents, it took you about an hour tops. And just as you predicted, you both had your picture taken and it was pinned on the board.

Wednesday - Enchanted

Derek: "This looks like some princess movie."

Y/N: "Really? I thought it was about pirates invading Mars."

Derek: "You and your sarcasm." He said shaking his head while smiling.

Y/N: "Oh come on, you love it."

Derek: "I do."

Y/N: "Now shh and watch the movie."

Derek: "Alri-"

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