33. The 28th Birthday

Start from the beginning

Y/N: "Alright, are we waiting for anyone else? Or is everyone here?"

Derek: "Pretty boy isn't here."

Y/N: "Maybe he's sick. Or running late."

Alvez: "Could we start this? I'm starving."

Penelope: "Y/N?"

Y/N: "For sure, let's start!"

Once you got to the table, you saw all of your favorites. You were surprised that someone remembered everything you enjoyed. But then you remembered that you shouldn't be surprised at all. Spencer and his eidetic memory. He literally couldn't forget anything, even if he tried to. You shake the thoughts away and grab some food and a drink. You sat down at your desk and Derek came to you.

Derek: "Hey there Monroe."

Y/N: "Hey Morgan."

Derek: "You look great."

Y/N: "You don't look too bad yourself." You said smiling.

Derek: "Are you having a good time so far?"

Y/N: "Yep! I can't wait for what's next!"

After a few minutes of everyone coming and talking to you, Penelope stated that it was time to go to the next place. There was one limo that was able to fit everyone. There were conversations all throughout the ride until you made it to your destination, which was Rossi's house. Everyone came out of the limo and started to walk up to Rossi's door. Since it was your party, they let you knock. Once you knocked, Rossi opened the door and greeted everyone in Italian.

Rossi: "Happy early birthday Y/N!"

Y/N: "Thank you Rossi. So, what's the festivity here?"

Rossi: "A cooking lesson, what else would it be?"

Y/N: "Ah of course, let's get started shall we?"

Everyone agreed and Rossi started his little presentation. In the middle of it, Spencer came in and apologized for being late. It was kind of awkward. You haven't really talked to him except whenever there was a case. Once Rossi was done, the pasta was served and everyone ate and drank a glass of wine. When everyone was done, Rossi said he had a present for you.

Y/N: "Oh Rossi you didn't have to."

Rossi: "Oh nonsense, here, take it."

Rossi gave you a small box. You opened the box to see two small earrings.

Rossi: "They're Garnet earrings because Garnet is your birthstone."

Y/N: "Aww thank you so much Rossi, I'll wear these everyday." You said smiling.

Rossi: "Alright kiddos, it was nice to see all of you again"

Everyone collectively said it was nice to see him too, and went back into the limo. Now it's time for the next stop.

Y/N: "Where to next?"

Emily: "Wine tasting!"

Y/N: "I can't wait!"

Eventually you made it to the wine tasting place, then to a shooting range where you beat Derek again, then a club, then to a nice restaurant for some more food. The night ended at eleven, which was very late considering that you needed to go to the airport the next day. Everyone was dropped off to their places. You didn't even get out of your clothes, you just threw yourself on your bed and Harley joined you.

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