The Guy Inside the Bar- Park Sunghoon

Start from the beginning

" Don't even bother to. Give me two cold buckets of cold beer. Right now. Here's the money, keep the change in case if I will drink more. Don't even bother to help me."

As the waiter sadly got the cold buckets for her, a introduction was heard from the stage.

" Everyone! The most awaited performers for tonight! Please welcome the band, 'ET'! " the host said as the audience clapped for them.

" Crap. Why do they have to perform now? The poor lady will surely cry." he said as he's delivering the order for her.


" And now...before we say good night to everyone, we'll sing our iconic song, 'If Ur Gone' !!" the vocalist of the band said.

" hUh?? If Ur Gone? wElL...lEt's SeE iF thEse cRaPs aRe goOD..." she said in a very drunk tone.

Little did she know, the song was a sad song about a break up of a couple but one person can't let go the other half as she/he still loves him/her.

As she listens to the song, she started crying again as she reminisce the times that when she and Wooyoung are still together until she cried and cried and fell asleep inside the bar.


" Miss...Miss...wake up. It's 12 in the midnight. We're closed." a guy said while gently waking her up.

" H-Hah?'re the vocalist from the band from earlier right?

" U-Uh, yes I am! "

" W-What's your name~ " she said as she yawned from her sleep.

" I'm Park Sunghoon. You can call me Sunghoon. It's getting late..."

" Name's Y/n. "

" Okay, uh...Y/n, it's 12 in the midnight. Do you want me to take you home or you'll just take a rest at my place?"

" No way! None of the above! I don't even know you! You might be a pervert! "

" Ouch, Y/n. I'm not that kind of person. I'm just helping you out since it's very late and it's not safe if you'll go home all by yourself."

" No. I have trust issues. Sorry. " Y/n said as she drifted off to sleep again

" Aishh...seems like I have no choice. " Sunghoon said as he helped Y/n to get up.

He went home safely with Y/n and gently put her to his sister's room. He asked his sister if he can borrow some of her clothes to her and help her to get change because she's soaked on the rain and has fever.

" Yeji, can you do that? Of course, you're the only one who can do it to her and not me. What if she accidentally woke up? She might think the other way so it's best if you'll do it."

" Sure! I understand! I'll take care of her! "

" Thanks, and by the way sleep right after you finished taking care of her."

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