"I don't think we can forgive him, Thor." Natasha sighs.

        So that's Thor Odinson, god of thunder.

        "But he's capable of being good because it wasn't him!" Thor exclaims.

        "No, he isn't, plus it doesn't matter! He tried to enslave the human race, killing countless people in the process along with destroying multiple homes and workplaces!" Steve snaps.

Tony is still ready to blast the man, not even caring that you're still in front of him.

        "You need to listen to me. He honestly wasn't in control." You whisper, shocked yet again at how easily your words of defense slip out.

        You slowly put your hand up, palm facing Tony's blaster, prepared to defend as Tony stares at you.

        "I don't care what you say! He isn't good, and he never will be..." Tony declares, "He isn't capable of anything but lying and killing."

        For a split second, you could hear the man's breath get a bit shaky, but it soon returns to normal.

        "It's quite unnecessary for you to yell, Stark." The man behind you calmly points out with a hint of a smirk in his voice.

        "Shut the hell up, Loki!" Tony screams, irritated by the calmness in the man's voice.

        You drop your hand back down to your side.

        Loki... the god of mischief and lies? Th-The man who destroyed New York... but it wasn't truly him, I know it...

        "Brother, please!" Thor pleads, "It's best if you stay out of this."

        Oh yeah, I forgot that they're brothers.

        "Well, excuse me, but I would appreciate the man who has a large say in my fate to be calm and level-headed," Loki replies coolly with a hint of sarcasm in his voice.

        "I trust Fury, meaning I trust Y/N, and she has no reason to lie." Another man with short dirty blond hair and a bow reasons.

        You recognize him as Agent Clint Barton, the agent that Fury talks highly about. Almost as high as he talks about Agent Romanoff.

        "So what are you suggesting, Clint?" Natasha asks pointedly as she crosses her arms and faces Clint.

        "I think we should give him a chance," Clint fearlessly replies to the deadly assassin.

        "Are you insane?!" Tony spouts.

        Clint shrugs his shoulders, "Eh."

        "I wish to tell you that I am sorry, Agent Barton." Loki cuts in.

        Everyone's eyes go to Loki, staring at him in shock, only being able to stare due to how speechless everyone is.

        "Based on everyone's reactions, I take it you apologizing is a rare occurrence." You joke softly.

        Humor twinkles in Loki's bewitching eyes as his lips threatened to curl up in a smile, but his attention turns from your joke back to Clint.

        "I'm truly sorry for using the scepter on you. even though it wasn't my choice, it doesn't excuse the fact I used it on you." Loki apologizes with sincerity in his eyes.

        Still, no one speaks. Every word from Loki's lips sends the Avengers deeper into shock.

        "From what I've heard from Fury, this silence is quite rare, so I encourage you to keep this up." You whisper to Loki.

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