Chapter 1

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"Gordon, what's that?" Virgil asked as he crossed the threshold of his brother's bedroom, curiously looking up at the large bulky structure forcibly propped up against the wardrobe.

"Fisher King Paradise." Gordon replied casually, shoving some more blankets through the hole in the side.

"Fisher... what?"

"Fisher King Paradise! Named after me."

"I still think that's lame." came a smaller voice from inside the structure.

"Shut up and get padding the floor!" Gordon retorted, passing two pillows to his younger brother. "It's a blanket fort. Do you like it?"

Virgil blinked. "It's very... big. Did you steal Scott's covers?"



Virgil watched as Gordon made the finishing touches to his fort. Once complete, the seven-year-old stood back with his hands on his hips, proudly admiring his work.

"Looks neato." Virgil smiled. "Can I go in it?"

"Sure!" Gordon grinned. He crouched down and pushed through the two blankets making up the entrance of the makeshift tent, holding them open for his older brother to catch them. Virgil followed him cautiously, hoping that the structure wasn't going to collapse on top of them.

Once he passed through the 'doorway', Virgil found himself admiring the inside of his brother's creation. He had to admit the structure of the fort was very impressive. It had been carefully constructed out of the Alan's space themed duvet, as well as three large blankets, which were all pinned to each other by what appeared to be some of Grandma's hair clips. The bottom of the fort was made out of Gordon's tropical fish themed duvet and Alan was sitting in the middle of the fort, surrounded by plush fish, plush stars and plush rockets.

Virgil nodded impressively, giving their work a whistle. "I like the coordination you've got going on there." he said, pointing at the 'ceiling' and then the floor. "This is awesome."

"Why thank you." Gordon bowed, crawling over to Alan. "Took us two hours."

"It's very impressive. Why did you decide to build it?"

"To hide from the storm!" Alan shrieked as a light rumble of thunder echoed in the distance.

Virgil recalled John telling him about the weather forecast. Inclement weather was scheduled for the afternoon, made up of a massive storm heading over Kansas.

"I know Alan doesn't like storms so I thought it would be cool to hide away in here until it passes." Gordon explained, giving Alan a reassuring pat on the head.

"He even let me bring the Xbox in here!" Alan beamed. "And Mr Star!" Alan held up his favourite plush star he'd had since he was a baby.

"Am I a genius or what?" Gordon smirked. "Comfortable and practical."

Virgil rolled his eyes, "You're a genius. Can I hang in here with you guys?"

"Sure!" Gordon nodded, happy that Virgil actually wanted to spend time with them for once.

"Cool beans, I'm gonna go get my sketchpad and my art stuff."

"Cool beans?"

"Cool beans." Virgil reversed out of the tent. He returned a few minutes later, pillow in one hand, his sketchpad, a torch and pencil case in the other.

"Did you shut the door?" Gordon asked as Virgil shuffled back inside their hidden cove.



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