Owen chuckled. “Oh so you like Landon too.”

I rolled my eyes. God Owen was more childish then me! So what if I had some feelings for Landon. At least he didn’t lie to me. “Look, why don’t we just get finished with breakfast.”

The cook placed his hands on my hips before pushing me back and stepping towards the sink to wash his hands. I watched as he started taking ingredients out of the cabinets. “Stop slacking!” he called out without even looking back.

Happy that he was done talking, I started back up with the fresh fruit. “Mia, if you could take a second I would like to talk to you.”

I froze at the sound of Julie’s voice. Dropping my knife, I turned around to face her. She was standing in the kitchen doorway with a smile on her face. A smile? What did that mean? I thought she was mad at me. Maybe it was just an act in front of Owen.

I turned to the cook, and with a grin he nodded towards her. It was his way of saying “yes”, and I worriedly shuffled out into the cafeteria with Julie.

“Mia I might have been a little harsh with you yesterday. I was stopping by your cabin because Landon had told me you were at the bowling alley fire with him earlier. I just wanted to see if you were okay, and when I found Gavin in your bed I lost it.”

Surprised by her words I stuttered. “You but-a you, you were right though.”

She simply nodded her head. “I was, but that the same time I remember being a teenage girl. It’s hard, but you still need to see how-“

“Unprofessional I was acting. I know, and I take fully responsibility for what happened,” I cut in.

Julie nodded her head. There was a long silence as I looked for anyone to rescue me, but there was no one in sight. I was alone.

“Well Mia happy birthday. Now that you are eighteen, you need to act like it. I don’t want another incident with Gavin,” she finally said releasing some of the awkward tension that had built up over the silence.

I smiled. “Of course not. Anyway, nothing happened. He’s just some silly little boy with a crush on me. Nothing I can’t handle.”

My words were harsh, and maybe half truthful but suddenly my breath caught and my voice hitched. Gavin stood in the doorway of the cafeteria, a look of hurt in his eyes. He hadn’t heard me had he?

“Oh Gavin what are you doing up here? Breakfast isn’t served for another hour?” Julie asked noticing him.

His eyes grew wide at the sight of her and his voice cracked when he spoke up. “Oh the other day Owen asked me for some help in the kitchen. He said that breakfast today would take more people two prepare.”

By the look on his face, I could tell that he had overheard me. Biting my lip, I said my goodbyes to Julie and followed Gavin back to the kitchen. Just as he was about to open the door, I spoke.


One second passed.





“Yeah?” he finally replied without emotion.

I took a deep breath. “Are you okay? You seem-“

“I’m fine.” Without another word he flung open the door to the kitchen and stalked in. I followed further behind with a feeling of guilt.

I only said that stuff so Julie would leave it alone. I mean, yeah he had a crush on me but he wasn’t a silly little boy. Gavin was one of my best friends, I could never think of him as some pest I have to get rid of. Trying to tune out Gavin and Owen’s mindless chatter I stalked over to the fridge and started loading a cart with milk and juice. For what seemed like hours I tried my best to stay away from everyone. After everything was done cooking, Gavin started towards the cafeteria doors.

Skinny Dipping At DuskWhere stories live. Discover now