028; and that hurt

Start from the beginning

But if she opened up she wouldn't be able to take back anything she said. She would spill her guts out to Zach and that's something she didn't want. She didn't want to get close to Zach, meaning after all of this go their separate ways and never see each other again.

But, she was dying to talk to someone. She would call Melanie but she has had this conversation with Melanie so many times. Zach could be a fresh person to talk too. He was really her only other option because she was for sure not going to talk to Jack about this stuff.

"Skye?" Zach questioned since the girl hasn't spoken in a little bit.

"Hmm?" she looked up at the boy, blinking a few times as she was exiting the thoughts in her head.

"Come on, just talk to me. I'll be a great listener." Zach said softly.

Skye let out a subtle sigh, "Fine. But what I tell you must never leave this face time call. Got it Herron?"

"Deal." Zach quickly said, surprised he got through to Skye. He would have thought for sure the girl would have shut him out in an instant.

Skye played with the sleeves of Zach's hoodie she was wearing, as she looked down at her hands and started talking. "So, today Daniel told me his parents were getting a divorce—"

"—Keri and Jeff are getting a divorce?!" Zach went wide eyed but got a glare from the girl for interrupting her. "Sorry, continue. I'm listening."

"Well, it kinda brought up old memories about my parents. If you didn't know, my parents are divorced. I mean they are for a good reason but it was still a hard thing for my family to go through.

"See, it happened when I was a freshman. You know, I thought I was on top of the world, starting high school, wearing mascara for the first time, had Melanie at my side, the basics. But. . .that year was just the beginning of the sucky years of high school.

"I remember, I was hanging out with Kaylee in my room. We were playing Mario Kart on the wii that we connected to this portable TV we brought into my room. We were laughing and yelling at each and at the same time we heard loud yells coming from downstairs. That's when we paused the game and creeped onto the stairs to listen to what all the fuss was about.

"Thinking back to it now, we shouldn't have listened. We should have kept to our own business but at this point it doesn't matter. See, my dad and mom were in the kitchen fighting. More then usual. Sure, they would have their little fights but this one was different. They were actually mad at each other.

"Anyway, Kaylee and I listened. I don't remember the exact conversation but my dad mentioned he wanted a divorce. When I heard those words, my heart shattered. I've always heard about families splitting up but never thought it would happen to mine, I mean we seemed happy. So when I heard those words, I didn't know what to think. Kaylee was a few moments away from bawling her eyes out so I had to slap my hand over her mouth to keep our snooping on the low."

Skye took a huge breath that was needed. Her emotions her breaking through the surface, tears rolling down her eyes as she continued to talk.

She also noticed Zach was hanging onto every word she said. It was like he cared for her which brought a small ounce of comfort to her. Zach nodded his head for her to continue, so Skye let out a faulty breath.

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