Chapter 40 - Kenny Makes an Entrance!

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- Chapter 40 - #RaceHatesSleep #AndHeWantsPeopletoThinkHeIsn'tTired ( #HeIsTired )-
Warnings: Slight anxiety and not liking sleep
Third Person POV

Race sat on an empty bunk, looking through his cards.

He was bored and was just counting them over and over again, since he had nothing else to do.

He had sold in Manhattan today, since Spot hadn't wanted him in Brooklyn because he wanted Race to get as much sleep as he could.

Race knew he was supposed to be sleeping now, but he wasn't tired.

Race looks up when he hears someone walk into the room. He smiles. "It's my man, Kenny." He says.

Kenny smiles. "Hey, Racer." He greets.

"Afternoon, Ken." Race spit-shakes with him. "How ya doing?" He asks.

Kenny shrugs. "Good as I can be, I guess." He answers. "You?"

Race shrugs. "How are your sisters?" He asks.

Kenny beams; he loved this topic. "Race, Kaylee is so cute!" He tells him, sitting down on the bunk next to him. "You have to come see her again, she can speak now!" They gush.

Race smiles. "I totally will have to come see them again." He responds.

Kenny nods vigorously.

Kenny lived with his mother and two sisters; Kayla and Kaleigh.

His mother was a tailor, but she didn't make a lot of money, so the brunette-haired 15-year-old worked as a Manhattan Newsie to make money for his family.

"Hey, Race," Kenny starts slowly, staring ahead of himself.

Race looks over at him. "Hm?"

"How... how did the- uh- meeting go?" Kenny asks him, looking slightly nervous.

"As well as it could've, I guess." Race answers with a shrug.

"What's going on?" Kenny continues.

"Nothing really." Race answers. "Revenge wants power, he might start a Borough War, but we don't know yet." He informs them. "We have rules for if he starts one though." He adds, looking slightly confused. "Why?" Race asks.

"I just-" Kenny sighs softly. "The tension among the boroughs is making me nervous, you know?" He asks. "My mom wants me to stay safe and this is the only job I really can get." He states.

"Hey," Race takes Kenny's hands in his own, looking into the boy's brown eyes. "We're not gonna let you get hurt, we'll keep you and your family safe and you'll still be able to provide for them." He tells him. "I swear." He squeezes Kenny's hands.

Kenny smiles slightly. "Thanks, Race. You're amazing." He tells him.

Race smiles.

"By the way..." Kenny starts slowly.

Race raised an eyebrow at him.

"Can you use he/they pronouns for me?" Kenny asks quietly. "Only Specs and Knobs know- and I felt like I could ask you-" he starts. "You don't have to thou-"

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