Chapter 24

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I ran until my legs got tired. I was actually pretty impressed since I had heels on. I came to a familiar looking hallway. Was it possible, had I actually found my way back to my room. I opened the door and let out a sigh. It was my room.

I walked into the room and kicked my heels off. I could not face everyone right now. I didn't have the strength.

"I'm glad you made it back here." Cassie said getting up from my bed. I stumbled back.

"You almost gave me a heart attack." I shrieked at her.

"Sorry." She mumbled sitting back down.

"Not your fault, I wouldn't have noticed if the devil himself was sitting on my bed."

"He could have been. I threw Eain out already." She said smiling at me.

"Thanks for that. Can you make excuses to your parents for me. I just cannot go down there today." I said going into the closet and taking out a long t-shirt.

"Of course. I will just tell them you have a pain in the neck." Cassie said laughing. She excused herself and I bolted the door behind her. I changed quickly and got into the bed turning off the lights.

I wanted to escape and could only hope that maybe I would dream happy dreams. I didn't even remember closing my eyes.

I was in an empty ballroom. The floor was marble and it was cold on my bare feet. I was still just wearing the long t-shirt. It was dark only a few candles on scattered cloth covered tables lit the room. I looked at the intricate chandelier overhead.

"I wasn't sure if you would show." Eain said from the corner of the room. I whipped around to where the voice came from.

"I have no control over where I pop up during dreams." I said crossing my arms.

"You and I both know, that isn't true. Last time you were angry, I couldn't find you." He said stepping forward. He still wore the tuxedo he had on earlier. He looked just as handsome. Even in the dim candlelight I could see his light blue eyes shining at me. Eain was stalking toward me like a panther and I could not move.

"Let me move." I huffed.

"So you can run? I don't think so." He whispered going around to the back of me. I held my breath, remembering earlier in the night when he had stood in the same spot. I unknowingly closed my eyes.

"I think I like this dress even better than the one you had on earlier." Eain said plucking at the t-shirt I wore.

My feet finally moved and I stepped forward and away from him. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me back.

"Not so fast, little one. I need you to hear what I am saying, and understand me." His gravely voice held me still just like whatever force he used earlier.

"I don't need to hear anything." I said in a defiant attempt. He pushed my auburn hair away from my neck and pushed two fingers to the bite marks there. Electric waves shot up and down my body and settled in a spot I had never felt them before.

"My sister told me about your conversation earlier. How you threatened to go with Skylar." He said between gritted teeth.

"I-" I started to cut him off and tell him where to shove what he thought. Wasn't he wrapped up with Cecelia earlier. But when I spoke he pressed his fingers back into my neck, effectively silencing me except for the moan that escaped my lips.

"Good girl. We both know that once Skylar had control of the vampire kingdom he would kill you. He and Cecelia have been plotting for years." 

"We need each other, Ariana. Admit it." He ended on a whisper.

Eain came to the front of me and I looked up at his towering build. I felt like a small child. He pulled me tightly against him.

I woke abruptly and sat up. It was pitch black in the room. The air felt thick and it made me uncomfortable. I couldn't take it and went to the balcony door opening it to allow the breeze in.

"You know I've heard about human girls that open their balcony doors to anyone." Eain said sitting in a white wicker chair on my porch.

"What the-." I screamed.

"You left abruptly, and I wasn't done." He said unfolding himself from the delicate chair.

"Wasn't even close to being done." He finished seductively.

I swallowed visibly. Suddenly I could move and rushed to the other side of the balcony placing a second wicker chair in between us.

Eain did not move he merely crocked a long, tan, index finger at me. I shook my head like a small child.

"Ariana, do not make me come and get you." I gripped onto the back of the chair, my knuckles showing white. I wanted to go. Wanted to go so badly. My mind and body were at war.

This was the man that had taken me away from everything I knew. Not even a man, a vampire. I had no idea, if I would have to be changed. How did he get blood? Did he kill people?

"Ariana!" Eain said, snapping me out of my thoughts. He had his head cocked to the side in question.

"What?" I question, though I already knew what he wanted.

"Come to me." Eain said glaring at me with his icy blue stare.

"I think I am better off over here." I reasoned.

"Are you sure you want to be that far from me?" He asked. Maybe he was right a little closer could not hurt. He held out his hand to me and I stepped out from behind the chair.

I walked as slowly as possible toward his outstretched hand until my chin was literally touching his hand.

"Better, right?" Eain asked.

I nodded my head slowly. I hated myself as I did it. How was it possible to want to be so close to someone that you should hate.

Eain's blue eyes held mine prisoner. Then he did it, he crashed his lips into mine, and I was lost. I knew at that moment I would do anything, promise anything, if he would make the yearning, the wanting stop.

Eain movements became gentle, nothing like any other time he had been near me. He brushed my auburn hair out of my face and held both sides of my face.

He slowly rubbed his thumbs in circles over my cheeks. It was relaxing and electrifying at the same time. Eain was staring at me, his eyes getting darker by the moment. They captured my grey eyes and I was unable to look away. His fingers moved into my hair and tugged backwards causing a moan to escape from my lips. I was lost and I knew it.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 06, 2015 ⏰

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