"Gabe? What are you doing here?" Harry asked, a frown now etched on his face.

"I was just...doesn't matter." Gabriel tapped some buttons on their phone before flipping their hair and shoving it away.

"You were going to hook up with someone in my house weren't you?" Harry asked them with accusing eyes. Gabriel squinted back and before they could argue otherwise, Harry had already walked through the doorway with Anna to the kitchen.

"Hey! I deserve an introduction!" Gabriel called, following the pair to the kitchen.

Anna was feeling highly confused. Obviously, Harry had mentioned his best friend Gabriel but she had never met them, and it seemed as though Harry wasn't anticipating them being here when he got home.

"Sorry," Harry apologised and ran his fingers through his hair multiple times, a trait Anna had noticed only occurred in anxiety inducing situations. She wrapped her arm around his waist and squeezed slightly, to try and ease his anxiety in some way.

"Gabe, this is Anna. My girlfriend," he gestured between the pair.

"Anna, this is Gabriel. My acquaintance." Harry narrowed his eyes at Gabriel who snorted.

"Acquaintance my culo, Styles." (Ass) Gabriel argued, Anna rose her eyebrows in shock at the Italian.

"Tu parli Italiano?" (You speak Italian?) She asked curiously.

"Completamente fluente, regazza." (Fully fluent, girl) Gabriel responded with a wide smile, Anna nodded with a grin.

"Che succede con lui?" (What's up with him?) Gabriel asked, gesturing to a very confused Harry who was observing this whole conversation unfurl before him with no understanding.

"Sto aspettando di scoprirlo." (I am waiting to find out.) she explained and they both looked at Harry.

"I'm confused." Harry sighed.

"Did I interrupt a moment between you two before?" Gabriel asked, suddenly serious - as though they knew what was going on.

"Yes, actually. Love you Gabe, but if you could possibly-" Harry tried to usher Gabriel out kindly, shooting Anna an apologetic look.

"If I could fuck off until tomorrow?" Gabriel asked, grin spreading on their cheeks.

"If you don't mind?" Harry laughed.

"Of course not. Enjoy your night, lovers." Gabriel said, blowing a kiss before strutting down the hall to the door.

"Soo..Gabriel seems lovely." Anna commented, taking a sip of the mint tea Harry had made for her.

"I'm glad you think so, they are such a good friend to me." Harry said and wiped his palms on his pants, they were sweating profusely. They were sat cross legged on the sofa facing each other, each with a cup of tea.

"Okay.  So I have been keeping a bit of a secret from you. Not on purpose, at first," Harry began rambling, Anna set her tea down for a moment and nodded slowly. At first?

"Basically...uh. My job is a bit more than just travelling around." He winced as he said the words. Anna was confused, really confused.

"Yeah? You said you work in music." She reminded him, he frowned.

"No. Well yes. But what I'm trying to say is..I'm the music?" He tried to explain, but was failing as Anna still looked dumbfounded at the information he was offering.

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