Chapter 5

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I woke up on a stretcher. I was being wheeled into an ambulance and Patrick was running beside me crying.

I turned my head and saw Caitie watching me be wheeled away. She had gotten out okay.

Patrick had gotten permission to be on the ambulance with me so he sat with me on the ride to the hospital and held my hand.

"You're gonna make it Alana, just stay with me." Patrick whispered, brushing a hair out of my face.

"I love you." is all he said the rest of the ride.

I woke up in an icu room. "What happened?" I asked, leaning up weakly.

"You're dorm mysteriously caught on fire." Patrick told me, smiling at me gently.

"Did you really mean what you said on the ambulance, that you loved me?" I asked, curious for an answer.

He stared at me for a few seconds before answering. "Yes, I do really love you Alana." he said, planting a soft kiss on my forehead.

Patrick sat next to me in silence for a while, until he started humming my favorite song from folie á deux, what a catch, donnie (btw that song is on folie á deux and believers never die).He must've known it was my favorite from that day I sang it for him and the guys.

His humming lulled me to sleep, all I remember before I fell asleep was him saying, "Folie á deux can be ours."

Time skip
I got to leave the hospital a week later, but I started feeling depressed. All I really had to look forward to everyday was Patrick.

Patrick offered to let me stay at his house since my dorm burned to the ground.

When we arrived at his house, I sighed and plopped down onto the couch. "Can I have something to eat?" I asked, giving Patrick puppy dog eyes. "Sure." he smiled, walking into the kitchen.

While Patrick was in the kitchen, I ran to the bathroom and locked myself inside. I searched the drawers until I found a pocket knife. This would have to do.

I started to slit my wrists. I held in my screams, so I didn't worry Patrick.

"Alana?" I heard Patrick call from the kitchen. "Where are you?" "Just using the bathroom!" I replied, pulling my sleeves over my wrists and putting the knife back in its normal spot.

I exited the bathroom and joined Patrick in the living room, giving him a weak smile. I saw Patrick's face go from happy to upset as he saw me. "Why?" He asked me. "What?" I questioned, confused.

Then I knew why he looked sad. I looked to the floor to see blood dripping from my shirt sleeves and onto the floor.

Patrick sat my food down and wrapped me in a hug. "There's no reason for you to do this to yourself." he whispered into my ear. I broke into a sob.

"I can't do this anymore! I just lost my home, my parents don't love me, and I've only got a few friends and that's just you, the guys, and my friend Caitie!" I yelled.

Patrick rubbed my back comfortingly and sat me down on the couch. "I need to hide that pocket knife." he said, sitting next to me.

He wrapped his arm around me and made me look him in the eyes. "Everything's gonna be okay." he told me, pressing his lips into mine.

I fell asleep in Patrick's arms. When I woke up, Patrick was smiling at me.

"Hey sleepy head." he chuckled. I laughed and leaned up, looking him in the eyes.

I looked at the coffee table and saw two giant ice cream sundaes. I grinned and looked up at Patrick. "Are these for us?" I asked. "Yup, all for us.". Patrick picked up his sundae and dipped his finger into the whipped cream. He touched his finger to my nose, getting whipped cream on it.

I playfully punched him in the arm and wiped it off with a napkin. I took a bite of my sundae and smiled at Patrick. "This is really good 'Trick." "Thanks." he said, hugging me.

Time skip
I woke up in Patrick's bed, laying in his arms. I quietly crawled out of bed and took a shower. I grabbed my leather jacket and slipped it on over my clothes, walking out the door. I needed to find out what happened to my dorm.

I drove to the police station and walked inside. "I have a few questions about the dorm that burned down about a week ago." I said, sitting down in a chair in front of a cop.

"Sure, aren't you the girl that owned it?" He asked me. "Yeah, I am." I replied.

I found out what happened to my dorm after an hour of questions. "I'm sorry to say that Peter Wentz's girlfriend thought you were dating Patrick stump to get to Peter so she set your dorm on fire." the cop confessed. I gasped. This couldn't be.

I've gotta give credit to skyandclouds13 because she helped me out with this chapter!😉

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