Chapter 2

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The next day, I woke up to see a text from Patrick.

It read, "wanna come to the studio today and meet the guys?".

I kept reading it over and over again in shock. I had to have read it wrong. But it wasn't my mind playing tricks on me, Patrick Stump actually asked me to hang out with him and the guys.

I dressed nicely and stared at myself in the mirror for a while. I wasn't sure if I looked nice enough for meeting the rest of fall out boy.

After about 30 minutes of staring at myself, I grabbed my keys and headed towards my car.

Before I left, I looked over mine and Patrick's texts, making sure I knew where the studio was.

Since I was in the car alone, I blasted one of fall out boys older albums, folie á deux. My favorite song in that album was 20 dollar nose bleed.

It took me an hour to get to the studio. When I got out of my car, Patrick was waiting outside for me. "How long have you been out here?" I asked. "As long as I've been here." He smiled.

Patrick and I walked in together only to be stared at by Pete, Andy, and Joe.

"Well, 'Trick finally found a lady." Pete joked. "We're just friends Pete." Patrick shot back, sitting down on one of the couches.

I took off my jacket and hung it on the door, joining Patrick on the couch.

"You want anything?" I heard Joe ask. "Nah, I'm fine." I replied.

"Well, we should get to work on that song guys, Alana, you can watch if you want." Patrick offered.

"You'd really let me watch you record your new song?" I squealed. "Of course."

I followed the guys into the recording room and watched Patrick get ready to sing. I found myself attracted to him most times.

As he sang he got sweaty, which was really cute. I couldn't take my eyes off of Patrick. He was hot, especially while singing.

When he finished, we all congratulated him for the good work.

"That was amazing Patrick!" I exclaimed, hugging him. "Thanks." he blushed.

We sat around for a while after that, so I decided to sing to one of their songs.

I pulled out my phone and scrolled through the music until I found "what a catch donnie." I felt like I sang that song the best, and sometimes it explained my life.

I stood up and walked in front of the guys, clearing my throat to get their attention.

"Guys, I'm gonna sing what a catch donnie." I grinned.

I hit the play button and started singing along. "I got troubled thoughts and self esteem to match, what a catch what a catch."

Every word rolled off my tongue, as if this was my song.

"You'll never catch us so just let me be, said I'll be fine 'til the hospital or American embassy."

When I finished the song, I swear it looked like the guys were in tears, especially Patrick.

He stood up and wrapped me in the tightest hug I had ever been given. "That was beautiful Alana." Patrick sniffed.

"Oh it wasn't that good ya' big baby." I joked, playfully elbowing him in the side.

Patrick turned to face the guys. "This girl needs a record deal." he laughed. Pete bounced his eyebrows at Patrick, as if he thought he liked me.

"Come on Alana, I'll walk you to your car." Patrick smirked at Pete as we exited the building.

Me and you, folie á deuxWhere stories live. Discover now