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GENRE: Sports

Y/N'S POV Lately I've got interested in kendo, it's not as if I didn't know about it before

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Lately I've got interested in kendo, it's not as if I didn't know about it before. When I was a kid, my grandpa used to show me multiple pictures of him winning tournaments and enjoying his scholar life thanks to that.

So two weeks ago more less, I asked myself why not to try it? My grades at school are stable enough to have something else apart from studying. And here I am, this dojo used to belong to my grandpa's parent long time ago. But my dad didn't have any interest on it and sold it to someone else, gladly it is still a kendo dojo.

-Y/N: Good afternoon, I'm here because I would be interested on learning kendo (smiles)
-Man: How old are you?
-Y/N: Eighteen (smiles)
-Man: Have you ever practiced Kendo before?
-Y/N: Never (chuckles)
-Man: Why are you here then? Don't you think it is too late to start learning?
-Y/N: It's never late if you enjoy what you are doing (smiles and srughs)
-Man: What's your name?
-Y/N: Kim Y/N (smiles) It's a pleasure.
-Man: (checks you out) Look, this is a sport which you must train a lot for. The classes aren't for having fun but for working hard. Understood?
-Y/N: Yes, sir! (smiles brightly) I'll do my best.
-Man: What we are going to do is to offer you a free class... You don't even have the equipment yet, so we'll lend it to you just for today.
-Y/N: Thank you so much! (smiles and bows) When is the class?
-Man: Right now, follow me to the changing room first.

I follow him to the changing room and there he helps me to put all equipment on.

-Y/N: It's heavier than what I expected (chuckles)
-Man: You gotta go through the free class now cause I already told the teacher. So, no regrets now.
-Y/N: Don't worry, I'll do it (smiles) And I'll join this after the class.
-Man: We'll see that (smirks)

I enter the dojo where some more students are listening carefully to the teacher. Judging by the voice, is a woman. I sit along the rest of students when suddenly she takes the helmet off making her hair fly free.

My heart suddenly starts beating fast as I can't take my eyes off from her. She looks a little sweaty because of the effort done, but she's absolutely the most beautiful girl I have ever seen.

-Teacher: Hey! I'm asking you, what's your name and why are you here.
-Y/N: Ah yeah, sorry! (bows) My name is Kim Y/N and I'm here for a trial class (smiles)
-Teacher: Have you ever practiced Kendo?
-Y/N: No, never (smiles) Totally amateur. But I'll work hard so that-
-Teacher: Earn the motivational speech and let's get starting.

Her coldness is quite opposed to her image, she's truly someone really interesting. I take a sit and watch the other people follow her orders, she then explains me and I join them.

-Time skip until the class is done-

-Y/N: Ouch, ouch... Please don't touch in there, it still hurts (whining)
-Man: I knew something like this would happen (chuckles while applying ice) Barely anyone survives in here, and you who never practiced kendo have it worse.
-Y/N: I'll admit that it was quite hard for a first class... But the teacher is amazing (smiles) She moves really elegantly and hits strongly yet in a very sutile way.
-Man: (smacks my head)
-Y/N: Ugh, ouch! What's that for?
-Man: I won't allow anyone to be into my granddaughter.
-Y/N: (embarrassed) U-Uhm, I'm sorry I didn't know that she was your granddaughter sir. I won't say anything similar to that, never again. I promise!
-Man: Oh, are you actually planning on coming back? (raises an eyebrow)
-Y/N: Of course, I just started (smiles) And I believe that I can do much better if I keep on training hard.
-Man: You almost broke your back today, how are you going to survive here?
-Y/N: Don't worry (smiles) I can do this. By the way, would you mind telling me your granddaughter's name?
-Man: (smirks and then gets serious) You still have the guts for it, kid? Didn't I tell you that I don't want anyone around her?
-Y/N: It's just the name... (smiles shyly)
-Man: (sighs) Just because of your determination, I'll tell you.
-Y/N: Yes! (excited) So what's her name?!
-Man: Prove your determination attending three months at least (smirks) I'll tell you then.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2021 ⏰

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