"Why would I hate y..." but I cut him off by leaning up and pressing my lips lightly to his, my hands gently holding his cheeks. I quickly pulled away and ran before I saw his look of disgust. I ran straight past Sam and Andy to Felix. I quickly stopped him,

"Tell me if Jake says he hate me okay?" Felix nodded,

"Are you okay?" I frowned and nodded,

"I should be... I hope," I muttered the last part under my breath. I gasped as I felt Felix pull me into a hug. I quickly wrapped my arms around my before pulling away and running off again.

As I ran, I started to feel weird, like I was about to faint. I frowned, hm... must just be from the shock of actually kissing Jake... I still can't believe I did that. Oh, man, is he gonna kill me? I just... I don't know what came over me, I just had to.

I closed my eyes and sat down... well, it was more fell down. I sighed and just laid there. My body just didn't want to move. When suddenly, the feeling was gone,

"What the hell?" I shrugged, sitting up and looking around to see if anyone saw. Nope, good... I sighed standing up and continuing on my way back to town.

When I was back to the main part of Bremin, I went to the skate park. I don't know what told me to go there, but I did. When I arrived, the place was pretty bare aside from two or three people. I frowned, not recognising them. I cocked my head at him, but quickly looked away and sat down at one of the half pipes. The boy I was looking at before saw me and came over and sat down next to me, dumping his board on the other side. It looked oddly familiar, but I couldn't pinpoint it.

"Hi," I muttered to him lightly. He looked really familiar; I just couldn't figure it out. How could I not remember him? He is too familiar... I have to know him from somewhere. I furrowed my brows,

"I'm Sammy... you are?" I lashed my head to the boy... to Sammy,

"I'm Katrina." Sammy nodded and looked away from me. I then followed suit and watched the remaining two boys skate around.

"So what are you doing here Katrina?" I shrugged,

"I don't really know. I just... felt compelled to come here. In truth, I just don't want to go home, and I don't think anyone would think to look for me here so, I think I might just camp out the night and go home in the morning." Sammy shook his head,

"You are so... not camping out the night here, well, not without some of my camping gear. Come round to mine for a bit and you can use some. Just as long I can camp out here with you. Just to be safe," I smiled and laughed at his straightforwardness,

"Hmm, I might just take you up on that offer." Sammy smiled at me,

"Sweet Dude, I'll just tell my friends that I'm going and I'll be back okay?" I nodded and stood up and watched as Sammy ran off carrying his board, went up to his friends and said bye.

I slowly walked over in the general direction of Sammy, but still kept my distance until Sammy called me over. I was feeling a bit woozy again but thought nothing of it.

"So where do you live Sammy?" I quickly asked, trying not to sound rude. I just wanted to make sure I wasn't going home with a psycho. Sammy laughed,

"I live just around the corner. See that house with the basketball ring?" I looked around and saw it.

"Yeah, I think so... the white house?" Sammy nodded,

"That's where I live. Just letting you know, I have two brothers and they are absolute pigs. I know girls think all guys are pigs, but I am not a slob." I bit my lip and giggled,

"Seriously," Sammy nodded with a fake serious look on his face,

"Really, really," I smiled, feeling happier than I did before. Hanging out with Sammy made me feel better after earlier. When we arrived at his house, we went straight into the shed and pulled out a tent and two sleeping bags, with a couple of mats.

"How 'bout we just sleep in the backyard? I pretty sure we can't camp at the park dude." I frowned nodding, knowing he was right,

"Yeah, let's stay here." Sammy smiled weakly at me before walking out a normal door and into his back yard. I was in awe of the back yard; there was a covered porch with a nicely set table and chairs around it. There was a huge amount of space on the grass, considering there was a single clothesline and that was it.

"You have a really nice house, Sammy," Sammy smiled,

"Thanks, Dude, why don't you sit down for a bit while I set up the tent?" I nodded and moved out of the way as Sammy slowly set the tent up. I pulled out my phone to send a text to my Dad saying I wouldn't be home tonight, but then I realised, there was no service. I frowned, that shouldn't happen.

I quickly turned my phone off and on again, but nothing changed. My eyes widened in fear, oh god, what if Dad freaks out. Could Jake or Felix maybe cover for me?

"Is everything okay?" My head lifted to see Sammy looking at me with concern decorating his face. I put on a smile, placing my phone back in my pocket,

"Yep, everything's great." I was so hoping he was a bit dull and believed me. Sammy smiled back at me and turned back to the now completed tent. I smiled properly and stood up, grabbing the sleeping bag and mats, shoving them in the tent and lying down, suddenly really tired. I knew if I remained to lay down I would fall asleep to I sat up and looked to Sammy who was sitting on the other side of the tent.

"What time is it?" I quickly inquired. Sammy shrugged,

"Who knows, it's getting late I know that about sometime after eight maybe." My eyes widened,

"You can't be serious?! It was only six last time I checked! How could so much time go by? I don't even know if it's possible, but maybe..." I trailed off not really wanting Sammy to hear. What if I fell asleep earlier and that's why it's so late. I nodded to myself that must be it.

"Do you have any food by any chance?" Sammy smirked,

"You hungry?" I nodded. Sammy stood up and I followed suit. We quickly walked out of the tent and into the house where there were two boys playing PS3.

"Pete, Vince, this is Katrina." I heard mumbling and a faint 'hi' travel into the kitchen. I rolled my eyes, boys. I smiled and stood on the outer bench of the kitchen island and faced Sammy.

"So what do you have for me?" Sammy smiled,

"Let's see, I have chips, chocolate, gummy bear, jelly beans, and more chips, oh and ice cream," I smirked,

"Let's have it all." Sammy nodded agreeing with me. We quickly grabbed everything and took it out to the tent, setting it out. Quickly started on the ice cream, which was cookies and cream, my favourite.

Throughout the night, Sammy and I talked about stupid uninteresting things. At about one we both were ready to sleep. I yawned, pulling off my top shirt, knowing I would overheat in my sleeping bag,

"Night Sammy," Sammy nodded,

"Yeah, night Katri..." Was all he got out before he fell asleep. I smiled and climbed into the sleeping bag and using my shirt as a pillow, I fell asleep.

When I woke, I felt cold... really cold. I opened my eyes to see the tent and Sammy gone. I quickly pulled my phone out of my pocket to see it was about 7:48 in the morning, my eyes widened when I saw I had reception again. I smiled but started to freak out again when I realised I was still in Sammy's backyard, but there was no Sammy.

There was nothing... my shirt was gone, the tent, sleeping bag, sleeping mat, pillow and Sammy were all gone. I screamed. The second I did, a figure came running out. It was Sam.

"What the FUCK?! SAMMY!" Sam instantly looked at me oddly,

"Kat? Dude... oh my god you're here." Sam quickly came running over to me and went to grab me, but I pulled away and moved back.

"Where's Sammy? He was here just a few hours ago..." Sam cocked his head...

"Kat, it's me, Sam," but I didn't hear him. I started to mumble to myself... what the hell is going on?!

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