Goodbye. (Angsty)

Start from the beginning

"Fine." Quackity said, looking at his know for any new messages from Wilbur or Philza.

                           Come pick me up please...

Mk? What for, Quackity?
                     Just please, I'll explain later..

Alrighty, give me a few..
Wanna talk to Tubbo?
                                  Yeah, I'll talk to Tubz

Alright, give me a minute.
I'll call you in the car so you
can talk with Tubbo?
                                       Yeah, that'll work.


Less then 3 minutes later, Quackity got a call. (" " Will be Quackity, " " will be Wilby, and  " " will be Tubbo :])

"Ello?" "Mama Q!" "Hi, my bee boy! How are we doing?" "I'm okay! Wilbur said you're not though... You're not.. aren't you?" "Welp, he outted you on that one." "Pfft- Yeah yeah. But uhm.. yeah. Mama Q doesnt quite like Karl and Sapnap right now.."

Quackity said, glancing over at Sapnap and Karl.

"Well, we comin to get Mama Q... So no more sad! And I won't get violent unless you want me to.." Tubbo said, getting his mischievous voice on. "Tubbo no. But yeah, we'll be there in ten. You think you can handle that, Tubz?" "But I wanna see Mama nowwww!"

Tubbo whined, trying to get Wilbur go faster.

"Tubbo, you'll see Mama Q here in a few. But I'm also on the phone so I guess it isn't that bad, now is it?" Karl and Sapnap glance over, remembering how Wilbur talked about some Tubbo kid whom was friends with Tommy.

"I guess.." Tubbo said, being the sassy kid he is and crossing his arms. "I feel like at the moment he's crossing his arms, isn't he?" Quackity asked, knowing full well that was probably what he was doing. "Yeah, they're crossing their arms." Wilbur replied, glancing over at Tubbo.

"Pfft- my kid, aren't they?" "Very much so." This made both men on the line kinda chuckle. "Hey we're almost there so I'm gonna hang up. You cool?" "Yeah I'll be fine." "But I won't beeee! I wanna talk to Mamaaaaaa!" "You'll see Mama here in a minute, Tubbo.." "Mama will be out front waiting for you, okay?" "Fine. Bye Mama Q!" "Bye, Tubz." "Cya Quackity." "See ya Wilbur."

And with that, the call ended. Quackity knew he had a few more minutes before they got there, so he just kinda played on his phone.

"Hey," Quackity looked up and over to Karl, whom was speaking. "W-When they're here, do you w-want help?" "Not at all. If I do, I'll get it from Wilbur." "O-Okay." Karl said, stumbling over his words from nervousness. "Quackity I'm sorry. We just didn't know how to tell you." Sapnap said, softly. "Well maybe you could've told me then rather going out and proposing to Karl."

"Quackity-" "Yo! Heyo Wilbur!" Quackity said, walking away from the two men by the door and interrupting Sapnap. "Hey, Quackity!" "MAMA QQQQ!" Tubbo yelled out, running up to Quackity so he could pick them up.

"Hiya, My bee boy! What's up?" Quackity said, glancing over at the two men then back at his kid. "The sky?" Tubbo said. This made Quackity start laughing, and Wilbur.

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