Wolf pup

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It's past midnight and the pups were fast asleep in their tents. Ignorant about the figure that was stalking them from the darkness. The figure was fast and can't be discerned of what it is because of the dark.
It quietly moved towards one of the tents, by the light of the moon the figure was slowly revealed to be something small but it moved swiftly hiding inn the shadows.
It was moving towards Everest's tent. It remained vigilant, it looked at the bag of liver flavored pup treats and licked it's lips- indicating it was hungry for it.

It carefully moved around the sleeping Everest and nab the bag, as it carefully escape it stepped on a twig which woke up Everest.

Everest: " yawn"* " huh?... W-what that?!...Aahhhhhhh!"

Everybody heard her scream, woke up and got out of their tents.
The figure - seeing the jig is up- dashed towards the deep Forrest.
Ryder, Jake, and the rest of the pups all hurriedly ran towards Everest.

Jake: "What happened Everest?"

Everest: "Something was standing over there, and I think it took my treats there as crumbs on the ground." She said a little less shock now.

Marshall: "probably just a wild animal looking for food, I'll try and get it back! "

Ryder: " wait Marshall I don't think that's neces-" before Ryder could finish Marshall dashed in after the creature.

Everest: "he's so brave."

Chase: "and so stupid, I'll go after him Ryder."

Ryder: " we'll go with you. "

Meanwhile Marshall is still chasing the creature deeper in to the mountain, until he hit a dead end in a clearing.

Marshall:"which way did it go?" He thought until he heard a rustling noise from behind a big bush.

Marshall: "Aha! There you are. " He jump in to the bush hoping to tackle the creature. However to his surprise it wasn't what he was expecting, instead it was a big brown bear.
The bear got aggravated by him and roared loudly on his face. (saliva included.)

Marshall: "Crap! My rotten luck is going to the next level!"

The bear swung it's claws at him and thrown him back and hit a tree.

Marshall: "Ugh! He packs a Punch." He couldn't move since his body turned numb, he had some blood dripping from his mouth.

Not giving his predicament any mind, the bear prepared to swing again. But suddenly a small figure jumped out of a nearby bush and bit it's arm trying to stop it from hitting Marshall. But the bear is too just too strong, it waved it off and send it flying back hitting a tree. Meanwhile Marshall was shocked, he looked towards the small figure and tried to get a clear view.

Marshall: "A wolf pup?"

As the moonlight shown on it he finally did, it was a small, white, wolf pup, about his size with reddish eyes. It was barring it's teeth at the bear as it prepared to attack. The bear was even more mad because of its interference, it charged at it with full speed while roaring. But the wolf pup wasn't moving it was calm like it was waiting for something.
A few inches before the bear reached him, the wolf pup jumped over it making the bear miss him and crash into the tree and loose consciousness.

Marshall: "thank goodness." Marshall breathed a sigh of relief. He looked at the wolf pup and said. "Thank you for-" before he could finish his sentence the wolf pup fainted from exhaustion.

Marshall: "Oh no!" Fortunately his body was less numb now, he got up and hurriedly ran towards the unconscious wolf pup. He checked his vitals and condition and breathed another sigh of relief.

Marshall: "He didn't get any critical wounds and damage, hi is just out of energy." He picked his body and carried him on his back as they headed for the camp. When they were almost there he saw Chase with his flashlight and the rest of the pups with Jake and Ryder.

Chase: "Marshall are you ok?" Chase asked worriedly seeing Marshalls poor condition.

Everest: "why do you have blood in your mouth?!" Everest sounded even more worried.

Marshall: " I'm ok guys, but he isn't." He said pointing towards the unconscious wolf pup on his back.

Rocky: "who's this?"

Marshall: "He's the wolf pup that saved me from a bear."

Everyone: "A bear?!"

Everest: " Hold on.... It's the creature I that I saw stealing my treats!"

Ruble:" Did you say a wolf?!"

Marshall: " well he saved me, so I don't think he's bad, he was probably just hungry."

Ryder:" we better get him to the clinic, I'll call Katie. Pups we're heading back."

*Time skip*
After they packed up they headed down Jake's mountain and directly went to Katie's clinic, they waited for a while for Katie to finish the check up on the wolf pup.

Katie: "He's ok, his injury wasn't anything serious he just needs rest and food, his pretty malnurished, he probably doesn't get enough food in the Mountain.

Ruble:"that's probably why it stole my snacks."

Everest: "what do you mean your snacks?"

Ruble: "All food is mine!"

Everest: "oh whatever."

Marshall: " well I'm glad he's ok, I owe him my life."

Chase: " maybe next time try not to chase food when we can always get more."

Ruble: " when you say it like that he sounded like me."

Everyone: hahaha

Ryder: " can we take him home? We don't want to trouble you any longer." " Because I don't want to give you trouble my love." Ryder thought.

Katie: " sure he's good to go, he'll wake up soon." " How thoughtful of him."

*Time skip*
They carried the wolf pup in Marshalls emt truck back to the lookout.

Ryder: "Ok I'm going out to buy some groceries and medicine, you pups look after the lookout and the new pup while I'm gone. " He said walking out.

Pups: " Ok Ryder! "

A few minutes later the wolf pup was starting to wake up.

Wolf pup: ". . . Erhm... "

Marshall: "pups he's awake!" He called. All the pups rushed over.

Zuma: "Hey there."

Wolf pup: "Grrrrr!" He growled getting up and looking at them with vigilance.

Chase: " wow, it's ok, we won't hurt you..."

Marshall: "yeah we're just trying to help. "

The wolf pup seems to understand and lowers his guard.

Everest: " Hey guys! Is he awake?!" Everest cane in.

Wolf pup: "Grrr... grrr.." the wolf pup growled again startled by her sudden arrival.

Marshall: "it's ok she's our friend." Marshall tried to calm him down again.
The wolf stopped growling and lowered his guard down completely.
Marshall walked up to him and said.

Marshall: "thanks for saving me, I owe you my life!" He said. The wolf didn't answer.

Skye: "Marshall I don't think wolves can talk."

Everest: " yeah remember when we rescued that wolf pup? He never said a word."

Marshall: " oh yeah I forgot. "

???: " Actually I can. " A voice replied to them, they were surprised and turned towards the origin.

Hope you're enjoying the story, I'll try and not be lazy when writing. I can't promise anything though ;-)

Paw patrol: Mystic Love PupHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin