we've met

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I wake up on Friday morning earlier than everyone else.

I take a shower, do my makeup, and put on a black tube top, black biker shorts and a oversized leather jacket.

I walk outside to see Logan, Colin, and Finn walking around looking for something.

I start to walk past them.

I hear Finn say "this one is the place!"

I turn around and see him pointing at my door.

"Put your number!" Logan says.

"Um that's my dorm.." I start waking back towards them.

"never mind, put my number.." Logan turns around seeing me.

I roll my eyes.

"What are you all looking for?" I ask ignoring Logan.

"A girl, short name, blonde hair" Finn replies.

"well that narrows it down so much." I say sarcastically.

"I'm Logan by the way" Logan smirks not knowing we have met before.

"we've met" I correct.

"what? When?" Logan asks.

"Yesterday at the coffee cart." I reply.

"Oh rightttt" he remembers.

I smirks at me and we make eye contact for about a minute.

"So um I don't think the girl your looking for is here" I say breaking eye contact with Logan and looking towards Finn and Colin.

"the girls who live here are me, Paris Geller, Rory Gilmore, and Janet Billings"

"yeah her name wasn't any of those" Finn sighs.

"let's go boys" Logan looks at me walking away.

I smile walking outside of the building.

I sit on a bench around a fountain and study until breakfast.

On my way to the dining hall I pick up some coffee from the coffee cart.

Once I get to breakfast.

I walk past Logan and his friends and he winks at me, I roll my eyes and keep walking to Rory and Paris' table with my cereal.

"hey where were you? You weren't at the dorm when any of us woke up"

"oh I just woke up early to study in the quiet." I say.

I turn around to look at Logan and see him looking back at me while Rory and
Paris and still talking.

"Brooke? Brooke! BROOKE!" Paris yells trying to get my attention after a few minutes.

"yeah?" I say.

"what are you looking at?" Rory asks me.

"Uh nothing" I reply fast.

Paris tries to look where I was looking.

"Wait.. Brooke were you looking at-" Paris starts.

"Huntzberger?" she continues only whispering this time.

"NO!" I yell.

"you did yell his name yesterday." Rory says.

"RORY!" I shout quieter this time.

"Do you like him?" Paris asks.

"no! I don't and I'm done with this conversation." I reply grabbing my bag and walking away.

As I'm walk past Logan's table he grabs my arm.

"hey B" Logan smirks.

"uh hi" I say looking back at Rory and Paris staring at me.

He stands up letting go of my arm.

"can I talk to your for a minute?" He asks me.

"well you are right now" I reply.

"like in private" he laughs.

"Um okay, sure" I say.

He leads me to the corner of the dining hall.

I look over and Paris, Rory, Finn, Colin and Robert staring at us.

"um Logan" I say.

"Yeah B?"

"Uh" I tilt my head towards them.


Logan does a shooing away motion at them.

"So I was invited to your grandparents party and I was wondering if you would be mad if I came" he says.

"Why would I care?" I reply.

"Well I-" he starts.

I walk right past him and leave the dining hall.

He smiles and laughs as I walk away.

Bad girl meets bad boy - Logan Huntzberger Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum