Who is someone?

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I wake up in Logan's arms the next morning late for my classes.

I looks that the clock and start squirming out of bed.

"Hey B.. what's wrong?" Logan says groggily in his low mornings voice.

I stand up looking down at myself seeing that I'm in his clothes.

I take off the shirt revealing my sports bra under it.

I grab one of Logan's leather jackets and throw it over my sports bra.

"I have a closet for girls clothes you know?" He says pointing towards a door beside his closet.

"is there shoes and socks in it other than heels?" I ask.

"Yep" he replies.

I rush over to the door and see some air forces 1s and put those on with a pair of white socks.

"I'll come over to pick my stuff up after class!" I say rushing out the door.

Once I get a cab I realize I need to stop by my dorm for my computer too.

"please go as fast as possible" I say to the driver looking out the window and shaking.

Once he drops me off I give him 15 dollars and run to my dorm, grab my computer and books and run to my class that I halfway done by the time I get there.

"ah miss Gilmore you decided to join us." The professor says

"sorry professor I-" I start

"save it" he continues his lecture.

I take a seat and listen to the lecture and go to the rest of my extremely boring classes.

after all my classes I go to my dorm and see Paris staring at the door waiting for me.

"soo" she says seriously.

"yes Paris?" I ask.

"You weren't home last night.." she taps her fingers.

"oh wow I didn't notice I wasn't in my own dorm." I say sarcastically.

"don't sass me Gilmore?" She replies firmly.

"so what do you want?" I ask.

"Well where we're you?" She says.

"I was at someone's apartment" I reply intentionally not saying who.

"well who is 'someone' Brooke?" She asks when there is a knock on the door.

I turn around to answer it and it's Logan.

"hi" I say.

"hey B" he replies

"here's your stuff from last night" he smirks.

"so he is someone" Paris nods with a smile.

Logan looks at her confused and then looks at me questioning, I just shake my head.

"we still on for tonight?" He asks as I take my stuff.

"yeah sure" I reply.

"I'll pick you up at 7:00" he says walking away.

I close the door with a smile.

"so you do like you after all" she smiles.

"well I-" I start but she cuts me off.

"hey Gilmore don't be ashamed of it he is man candy" she replies.

"I wouldnt say I like him" I say walking into my room ignoring the rest of her questions.

I study a little bit and then reward myself with some popcorn and Netflix and chill for a few hours until Paris and Janet start arguing about hot glue again.

"what a life this is" I say.

Bad girl meets bad boy - Logan Huntzberger जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें