Chapter 7

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Welcome back anyways I learned a few new tricks about how to add pictures to my stories so I am getting better at this anyways on with the story....

It was the next day and I was on my way to breakfast when I heard laughing from around the corner and I just thought it was a bunch of boys being dumb until I heard someone saying "please" and "stop" so I ran the corner and seen a bunch of Slytherine boys beating up a Gryfindor boy so I whipped out my wand and hollers
And then hexed them into oblivion and when I tell you they went flying. I ran to the boy who I recognized to be Neville Longbottom so I helped him to Madam Pomfreys.
"Ahh Miss. Lestrange welcome back I see you've brought another friend of yours"

"Yes Madam he was beaten by a bunch of boys who you will probably see in a few minutes by the way"

She chuckled and tended to Nevilles wounds.Neither me or Neville made it to breakfast that morning but at least I made a new friend.

Me and Neville headed to our next class which was DADA and I loved my teacher his name is Remus Lupin and he is by far my favorite teacher.

"There you two are where were you at breakfast" asked Hermione

"A group of Slytherine boys what beating me up but Sarah saved me" said Neville and smiled at me and I smiled back

Shortly after Lupin entered the room (I don't exactly remember how this scene goes it's been awhile since I read the book or watched the movie so I'm gonna improvise) and he said does anyone know what is in this cabinet then the cabinet shook

"It's a bogart sir, it's shifts into the things people are most afraid of" said hermione

"when did she get here" Ron whispered to me I just shrugged

"Ok repeat after me RIDICULOUS"


"Perfect again RIDICULOUS!"


"this class is ridiculous" I heard Malfoy say from the corner and I'm not gonna lie I chuckled a little bit

Then Lupin called Neville to the front of the class and he whispered in something in his ear and then Professor Snape crawled out of the cabinet

"R-RIDICULOUS!" Neville shouted then Snape shifted into a god awful green dress and a hideous hat

The room roared into laughter

"Ok I want everyone into a single file line" said Lupin

"I want everyone to picture the thing the fear the very most and turn it into something funny" and he turned on a record player

I was in the line infront of Harry and Ron was in the very front and his bogart was a freaking SPIDER! And for some reason he thought it would be funnier if it was in roller skates! That's not funnier if anything it's scarier. Then a few more students went then it was my turn. I knew what mine was gonna be and I dreaded it. I went up and the cabinet slowly opened and walked out a woman in a long black dress with a faded grey veil. And her voice echoed "Sarah" in a creepiest way possible and she slowly walked twards me....I was frozen I knew it was my mother I held my wand in my hand so tight I surprised it hasn't snapped in half yet I was shaking uncontrollably and I felt a tears form in my eyes.All of this happened in a matter of 5 seconds but it felt like minutes. Then I did something I learned how to do at a young age...I turned off my emotions....all of the sudden everything went blank I was numb and relaxed I blinked away the tears I lifted my wand and said "RIDICULOUS!" loud enough for it to work and poof my mother turned into rose petals slowly falling to the was satisfying to watch. I plastered a smile on my face and when I looked at Lupin I could tell what he was thinking by the look on his face and that he knew who it was and what just happened but by the students clapping behind me I knew they didn't have a clue so I turned and did the best badass walk I could do to the back of the line. But on the inside I was numb.


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