Chapter 5

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GEEZ these people are judgey anyways lets continue....When i woke up the next morning I got dressed in my uniform and may I say I looked mighty fine ;) I wore a tight high waisted plad green skirt that came half way down my thighs sky high boots that came just above my knee showing maybe two inches of skin my white button up tucked I to my skirt with my green tie that I let hangs little loose and my robes so like I said I looked mighty fine. I wore my hair down with two pieces pinned in the back and wore light makeup just a little cat eye with mascara and lip gloss and I was ready to prove people right about me that I am dangerous but willing to make friends. When I went down to the common room all eyes looked to me and I don't know if it was because I looked hot ;) or because they was afraid to turn their backs to me. By the way they was looking at me I'd say it was the second one. They stared at me refusing to take their eyes off of me like I was about to explode so I just gave them a weak smile and wave then walked out because I was afraid that if I tried to talk to them they'd run for their lives. 

I was happy that Dumbledore revoked that chaperone rule and that I could walk freely without being stalked by a teacher 24\7. As I made it to the great Hall for breakfast I wasn't feeling as confident in my friend making skills because anywhere I looked someone was staring back at me all scared and judgey and I didn't like it so I decided to just keep my head down and try to make it through this without murdering someone.When I mad it to the great Hall the staring didn't stop and whispers was exchanged. I just sat at the end of the table alone again until a blonde dreamy girl sat in front of me. She was quite beautiful and was so sweet and her voice was so light and peaceful it'd want to make you go to sleep. Her name was Luna Lovegood and me and her talked the entire breakfast she didn't judge me for who my parents was nor did she believe all the dangerous crap. So I did it I finally made a friend to whom I I'll always cherish.

Me and Luna walked to potions class together and she warned me that Professor Snape was a little more on the mean side

"he's quite strict Professor Snape and he won't go easy on you because your new either" said Luna in her light voice

"Well I guess we will just have to see how he treats me" I said in a cocky voice

And what do ya Luna was right he was horrible.

"Ahhh well if it isn't lil miss danger herself take your seat" he said as he pointed at the seat in the front of the class next to a blonde boy and two quite larger boys. I took my seat and the blonde boy said in a spoiled bratty tone 

"Professor Snape are trying to kill me by placing her next to me"

I rolled my eyes and replied " well as long as you keep quiet and not speak about m like that again we won't have any problems" 

He looked rather surprised at my comment and rolled his eyes and looked at what Snape was teaching. I must say Snape my be rather rude and terrifying but he is a great teacher and I learned alot .Eventually the bell rang and me and Luna left the class the blonde boy who I learned that his name was Draco Malfoy. A snobby name for a snobby boy. The next class I had was with the Gryffindors and it was care for magical creatures and I was looking forward to having Hagrid as my teacher so I arrived earlier than everyone else just to talk to Hagrid and when me and Hagrid waso mid conversation three other kids showed up and I recognized the red headed boy from my sorting ceremony. 

"Uhhh hey hagrid" said the girl with bushy hair in a nervous tone

" It's ok you don't have to be afraid of me I'm not gonna hurt anyone unless they attack first so as long as you don't hurt me I won't hurt you" I said sticking my hand out at the girl for a handshake " I'm Sarah Lestrange"

She put on a relieved smile and shook my hand "Hermione Granger"

Then the two boys followed their lead introduce ing themselves

"Ron Weasley"

"Harry Potter"

They both said with smiles on their faces and I was happy that I made four friends in one day but then my happiness quickly faded when I saw Malfoy walking down the hill

"Oh great him again" I said while slapping my hand over my eyes when harry said

"Oh I see we you've met Malfoy yea we don't like him either don't worry" he said nudging my elbow with his as I let out a small chuckle then his shrill spoiled boy voice echoed through the wind 

"Ah well if it isn't the golden trio and the abomination" he said which pissed me off

"What the hell did you just call me?!"

"An abomination did you not hear me the first time" he said in a baby voice which almost sent me overboard when the rest of the classes showed up and then Hagrid broke us up 

"Okey now that everyones 'ere we can start the class" and he usherd us into the woods and gave us books that wouldn't open 

" Uh Hagrid how do we open the books" harry said

"just stroke them o course" 

I looked over at Malfoy for some reason and watched him stoke the spine of the book with a smirk on his face which gave me butterflies which I quickly dismissed and cursed at myself for feeling.

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