Ch. 6: The Cattle Drive

Start from the beginning

Everyone screams and jumps to their feet, trying to cover their heads with their arms.

"Maybe we should go inside!"

"Way ahead of you!"

I look up to see Ben already running through the door, followed by Kon and soon everyone else. Darius stays behind a moment, before pulling his hood up and following after us.


The next morning, Roxy and Dave take us to a large open field, where a few gyrospheres are placed in the center near a small group of dinosaurs. Darius, to nobody's surprise, is the most excited.

"Yes!" He screams, jumping out of the truck and racing for one of them.

"This is gonna be so much fun!" Sammy exclaims, running to another.

"I call driving!" Ben yells.

We all gather around, listening as the councilors explain what we'll be doing and the rules of driving the spheres. Ben, being his worrisome self, asks about the dinosaurs being herbivores and gets teased in return.

"Cool!" Kon exclaims after finding out the storm has moved. "Time to show these fools what a gyrosphere master can do!"

"No way!" Roxie grabs him. "You're riding with Ben and Blake as a passenger."

Ben and I blink in confusion.

"Wait," Ben asks as Kon mutters a line of complaints to himself.

"The back of the center consul doubles as a third seat in case of emergencies or unique circumstances." Roxy explained, leading us to one of the spheres. She reaches back into it and pulls a plank out from inside the back of the consul. She then pulls up, making a back to the seat that comes with no seatbelt, but there are handles on the back of the main seats to hold onto.

Despite having to ride with a fish-scented jerk, I have to admit that it's a very convenient and smart idea.

We all set up; Kon begrudgingly in the middle/back, Ben on the left in driver, and me in passenger. Darius and Brooklyn bunk together, while Sammy and Yaz take one.

"Come on!" Kon groans. "Shouldn't I be in front? My legs are too long to stay back here!"

"It's so you can't reach the controls." Roxy smirks, before walking away to check on the others.

"Oh, come on! I am telling you I am more then capable of driving this thing."

"Yeah...somehow I don't believe that." Ben mutters.

I watch the councilors jump into their truck and hit the engine. "Let's get to herding!"

No sooner had Dave said it then everyone started racing past the duo. Everyone except us, who end up rear ending the truck by accident. Kon groans.

"Okay now, uh...slow and steady wins the race." Ben mutters to himself. "Huh, I'm really getting the hang of this!"

He wasn't. Only spinning us in dozens of ill-ridden circles as we pass the truck with Dave and Roxie watching with strange looks.

Luckily, only moments later, Ben does get the hang of it and starts driving nice and easy behind the others. Kon is annoyed by this, seething in the back while I watch the dinosaurs ahead galloping through the lengthy fields.

"Can't you go any faster!" Kon whines.


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