phil: first date

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•1st person•
tw///self-harm, blood, bullying

so...todays gonna be amazing for a big reason. i am going on my first date with phil. we met on a line in the grocery store. i was a mess that day: my hair was put in a messy bun, mascara under my eyes because i was crying since i got dumped, baggy clothes. phil was behind me with his cart and bumped into mine and i fell face first. he asked if i was okay and i lied saying i was fine, he knew i wasn't and slipped his phone number in my pocketbook without me knowing. when i saw the number, i texted it and realized it was phil. it just went on from there and he asked me out on a date to a fancy restaurant. ofc, i said yes and now here i am.

i woke up in my bed, realizing that today was gonna be amazing. i haven't been this excited since i moved to london 5 years ago. i ran downstairs filled with excitement as i made silver dollar pancakes with bacon, sat at the island, and ate it while watching tv. i finished my breakfast, ran back upstairs to my bathroom, put the shower on, and blasted my amazing playlist called "shower songs to sing!!" and i got washed up. i combed out the knots in my hair, brushed my teeth, and picked out an outfit. speaking of the fact that it's a fancy dinner, i had to wear something...not casual. i decided on a purple skinny dress and some purple high heels. i also managed to put on some purple eyeshadow, eyeliner, blush and purple lipstick. i grabbed my purse, put my phone, wallet, keys, and lip gloss into the bag, and waited for phil to pick me up.




as i heard the doorbell ring, i ran down the steps and braced myself, opened the door to phil standing there. he has jet black hair going down his face, beautiful eyes (he has blue, green, and yellow eyes), puckered up lips. he wore a tuxedo with a bow tie, dress pants, and dress shoes. he was perfect.

"hi, phil!!" i just stood there, my eyes lit up just seeing the sight of this extremely hot young man. "you look incredible."

"hello. you look stunning. if i had the choice to look up the stars, or stare into your beautiful eyes and get lost in them, i would choose you."'he said, smiling. i started to blush because that was such a sweet thing to say.

we stepped outside and saw a giant, black limousine. i was flabbergasted at the sight i was seeing, a huge limousine parked outside of my house. he opened the door for me and i stepped inside. i saw champagne and candy bars (my favorite combination) and we cheers to our first date.

when we got to the restaurant, it looked extremely fancy; all the workers were wearing tux's and heels and fancy clothing. the receptionist appeared to be a young woman with blonde hair and blue eyes, she was extremely skinny and was really pretty.

"table for 2 please?" phil politely asked.

as we waited for our table to be ready, me and phil finally got to talk in person. we shared loads of stories, we were able to be ourselves together, at last. nothing could ruin this night........well,
A/N: triggers start here and when you see , it's the end of the triggers :)
"honey, please, nobody wants to see you in that're so ugly."
"love, please, get out of here and go on a diet."
"m'am, i don't mean to be rude, but you desperately need to stop eating."

"phil, i need to go to the bathroom, i'll be right back."

i ran over to the womens bathroom, on the vurge of tears. i stared at myself in the mirror, tears rolling down my face. why would those women say that stuff about me? the thoughts of why kept spinning around my mind and i couldn't handle it anymore. i ran into one of the stalls, and cried. i cried and i cried and i cried and my body was shaking. i grabbed a razor i left in my bag and started scratching up my wrists, my body hurting with each slit. blood drops dripped on the bathroom tiles and the tears just kept coming. phil started to get really worried and he walked near the womens bathroom.

"are you ok, y/n?" he asked, sounding scared. i couldn't even answer the simple question without crying even more and phil burst through the bathroom stall and just stared.

"Y/N: ARE YOU OK? WHATS GOING ON?" he sounded really scared. he picked me up bridal style, took my bleeding self to the sink, and put my arm over the warm water. all i could do was cry on his shoulder. i'm still shocked at myself for doing that. why isn't he mad? why didn't he leave me? i thought to myself as phil kept my arm over the water. he found some paper towels and tape and made a big bandaid out of it, wrapped my arm in it, and held me close.

✨(end of triggers)!!

once i finally started to feel better, he asked me what happened and this is what i told him.
"when you went to the bathroom, a group of girls came over to me and started fat-shaming me, to the point when one of them told me to stop eating because it made me look fat. when you got back, i told you i had to use the bathroom but i lied. i started balling in one of the stalls and i couldn't keep myself together. im really sorry, phil, and i understand if you wanna leave me.

he simply just stared at me, trying to process all of this, and he said "y/n, you are amazing, you are extremely precious to me and when i saw you at the grocery store for the first time, i knew we would be together. you mean the entire universe to me and idk what i would do without you. you are not fat, you are not ugly, you are far from ugly, you are beautiful, you are perfect." he stared my lips, and started to lean in. my heart beat was faster then ever, my body started to shake, and our lips touched. once he unlocked his lips from mine, i hugged him tightly and stayed like that for a long time. once our date ended, he slept over my house. we opened the door, dropped our stuff, ran upstairs, and slowly drifted alseep, in each other's arms.
best • date • ever •

A/N: this was extremely hard for me to write since it was a really touchy subject, still crying lol. send some requests in, and i really hope you all enjoyed. ❤️

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