15 | the girl

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soobin's pov ~
the girl and i were sitting on a rock together far away from my house after what had just happened.

"hey...why did you take me with you?" she asked.

"oh um...i don't know...i guess i saw you hurting and...your father literally sold you."

"haha. yeah, he sold me like property..." she laughed but it was clearly fake. "but...did you actually mean what you said afterwards?"

"mean what?"

"that you're gay?"

"um...i still don't know but i uh...i think i like this guy...maybe..." i looked at the ground in embarrassment.

"there's nothing to be ashamed of. i'm gay too."


"yeah! in fact, i'm dating this really cute girl. she's everything to me but...we're actually not really together anymore."

"what?! why?!"

"well, my dad found out. that's kinda the whole reason why he sold me. he wanted to get rid of me and now i don't have a place to go..."

"i can't go home either but my uh...my friend taehyun will probably let me stay by his house. i'll ask him if you can come too!"

"aw, really?! that's so sweet of you! thank you so much, i really appreciate it!"

"yeah of course! by the way, your name is aeri, right?"

"yup! and you're soobin?"


taehyun's pov ~
it was late at night and i heard a knock on the door. it's probably soobin and the girl that he told me about.

he didn't tell me the story of how he met her and who she is so i'm a little bit nervous. after all, he is bringing a random girl to my house.

i opened the door and saw just who i thought i'd see. we awkwardly greeted each other and then they came inside the house.

"thank you so much for letting me stay here! i know it's weird to have a random person staying at your house," aeri told me.

"yeah, it sure is but...i have people hanging out at this place a lot so i'm kinda used to it i guess."

i said that just because i felt bad. yes, i do have people always hanging out in my house but they're people that i'm close to. people that i'm comfortable being around.

it's not that i'm not comfortable around her, it's just that it's weird to have a girl in this house.

"anyways, i should probably show you guys where you're going to be sleeping," i said as i pointed to the couch in the living room. "one gets to sleep here and the other gets to sleep in a small bed upstairs. sorry, it's the only thing i have."

"um...i'll sleep on the couch," soobin offered but aeri immediately stepped in.

"no! i can sleep on it. i've kinda been sleeping on small and cramped places my whole entire life so, i think i'll be good haha. i'm used to it." she smiled.

"okay, fine."

"taehyun! you're just going to let her sleep there?!" soobin whispered.

"yeah? it's her decision. she could've agreed to sleep on the bed upstairs if she wanted to. but she didn't so she's sleeping there," i responded, not caring if she heard me or not. which she clearly did because she had a slight pout on her face.

i ran upstairs, sat on my bed, and plugged my ear buds in. i knew that they were obviously going to talk about me and how terrible i am but i don't care.

i already know everybody thinks of me as an ignorant asshole that's emotionally detached.

so i don't care anymore.

soobin's pov ~
"why is your friend like that?" she emphasized the word friend.

"ignore him. that just how his personality is."

"what's the personality? rude and unwilling to help someone out for a couple of weeks? i'm just trying to find a place to stay," she groaned.

"i mean, you can't really complain. he did offer you a place to stay so...i don't really get what you're saying..."

"okay, you're right...i guess...i'm just kinda jealous...jealous because you actually have a friend."

"we can be friends?"

"you're just saying that out of pity. i don't want it if it's not genuine. you obviously don't want to be my friend."

"that's not true! i think you're a great person to be friends with!"

she looked at me for a couple of seconds then sighed as she looked the other way, continuing to read her book. i just sat there, not knowing what to do and say. she just straight up ignored me. so i walked away.

i honestly don't know how i feel anymore. i'm open to becoming her friend but she's not letting me. what does she even expect from me? i barely know her and neither does taehyun! so how does she expect me to become friends with her if i don't know anything about her?

i don't like saying this, but i truly do hate people like this. she's stubborn and says that she doesn't want pity but clearly does.

as i've said and thought a hundred times, socializing with people is hella hard. especially if you're trying to make a new friend.

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