Showdown in Morioh (Fate's Course)

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Okuyasu was driving at the duo full speed. Koichi and Yukako were ready. "Echoes! Act 3 Freeze!" The Stand leapt forward and punched the vehicle. The convertible was immediately slammed down into the dirt, coming to a slow stop within only a few meters of the duo. "Gah!" Okuyasu fell from the vehicle, but quickly stood back up. "I'm finishing this now! It's over, Koichi!" He fired 3 bursts from his shotgun straight at Koichi.

Suddenly, Love Deluxe sprang forward from Yukako and knocked away the projectiles, sending them flying in all directions. "How dare you threaten Koichi!?" Yukako angrily sent her Stand forward at maximum speed. Before Okuyasu could even react, it grabbed hold of the shotgun and began crushing it. A shine appeared in his eyes. "You fell for it! You stupid bitch, trying to get in my way... Za Hando!" The blue and white figure rose and began to swipe with its right hand.

"Yukako! Look out!!!" Koichi yelled, but it was too late. Reality disappeared in front of Okuyasu's Stand, taking some of her hair and the shotgun along with it. Yukako screamed in pain as blood trickled down from her scalp. She fell to the ground. "Okuyasu! You'll pay for this!!!" Koichi began to step forward. "Oh? And what are you going to do? Your Stand is weak, just like you. Pathetic. Even if you weigh me down, I can just erase the space between us two. Then you'll be good as dead." Okuyasu shrugged.

Koichi was furious, but he needed to keep himself together. Okuyasu looked at him curiously. "If you're not going to attack me, then I'll just have to finish this right now." He began stepping forward, but Koichi stood still; he had to wait. Just a bit closer.

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