Cuddling O//////O

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-Loves cuddling you from behind.
- he likes wrapping his arms around you gently and feeling your warmth
-would often ruffle your H/L hair and tell you how cute and smol you are<3
-when you would fall asleep in his arms he would carry you to your bed and cover you up and cuddle with you there :3 



-matt like it when ever you sit on his lap or put your head on his lap
-when ever you would sit on his lap this tall bitch would rest his chin on your head and smile at you
-when you put your head on his lap he would often play with your hair and boop your nose playfully
-his fave part is when you fall asleep in his arms. you just looked to cute and peaceful when you slept
-whenever you would fall asleep he will shortly fall asleep too with you in his arms



-You guys dont cuddle much
-you would only cuddle when no one was around to see
-but the moment sombody walks in you are basicly shoved away from tom and colapse to the floor
-when you DID cuddle he would usaly make you face him with your foreheads pressed together
-you would softly put your hands on his chest as he held your waist or thigh
-but again, when sombody walks in....across the multi-verse you go!



-ah yes...tord...
-whenever you would cuddle his hands always make his way to your ass
-like bro they could be in another fucking dimention they will MAGICLY TELEPORT TO THAT AREA AND THAT AREA ONLY!
-when cuddling he would do that ear porn thing again cause why the hell not!
-he would often lick your neck to get some sort of reaction out of you.


its like 3 am and i still write this shit

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