15. A Soldier, Darlin'

Start from the beginning

Finally she heard the sound of two people speaking in an illuminated sector of the space. She stepped into the light to greet Sam, shaking his hand firmly.

"Nice to meet you in person," he said, an easy grin crossing his features.

Lena immediately sensed he would be quite likable and a good friend.

Before she had the chance to introduce herself to the other man, whose face she could not quite place but was familiar, he interrupted her.

"Sam," he said, speaking slowly, "where did you find her?"

"Uhm, New York right?"

Lena nodded.

"If you thought the idea of the Winter Soldier was ever a ghost story, you haven't met this one then."

Lena rolled her eyes.

"This is Lilith," Zemo said.

Lena rolled her shoulders at hearing the code name again, "Please never ever call me that again."

He nodded, but continued without expression, "Similar to the Winter Soldier-

"Okay, Mr-?" Lena interrupted, flinching at the Winter Soldier's name, unsure of why it was relevant.

"Zemo, Helmut Zemo,"

"Mr. Zemo, I think that's enough, I like to keep my sob story to myself thanks."

"I see. But Lilith is still here to help, yes?"

"I'm not her anymore."

Zemo looked skeptical and Sam looked concerned as to what sort of story he had just uncovered.

"But you still have your powers?" Zemo continued unblinkingly.

"Of course."

"Hmm," he said. Before he could continue, another figure approached the circle of light in the warehouse.

"Hey you done with your cool down walk there bud," Sam said teasingly to the figure that emerged into the lowly lit room.

The man grunted in annoyance, but did not take notice of Lena.

"Well at least be nice and introduce yourself Bucky, this is Magdalena-"

Bucky's head shot up at the sound of her name, mirroring her own sudden attention on him.

The room was quiet for a moment, Sam's eyes darting between the two. They stared at each other, both tensing at the other's presence. Lena felt her chest constrict at seeing him so unexpectedly.

"I suppose it would make sense for them to know each other, given Lilith cleaned up plenty of Winter Soldier messes in her time-" Zemo started.

"Don't call me that," Lena hissed at him again, her whole body taut with tension.

"It is your name."

"A name that was given to me, riddled with a dark history of which I am no longer a part of."

"You know, the two of you sound quite alike in your insistence that your "soldier" is gone. You'd probably get along great," Zemo said, apparently now finding the conversation uninteresting and walking away.

Bucky chuckled without humor but did not say anything else, but continued to stare at Lena from across the room.

"Okay.... " Sam said slowly, eyeing Lena and Bucky suspiciously "What is your grand plan for Madripoor Zemo?"

"Well," he said turning back to them, "it just got a whole lot more complicated with her presence."

Lena snorted with unamused laughter and remained in her position.

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