A Werewolf Bets

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I stretched out on my bed. Home. This place was home. I was finally home.

"Oof." I sat up to see Remus sitting on his bed holding his head.

"You okay, rem?"

"Hmm." he rubbed his forehead. 'Yeah, just a headache."

"Is it another one of those migraines? You should go to the hospital wing."

"No, I want to be there as least as possible."

"But don't you have to go just in case?"

"I'll be fine."

"Isn't that the reason you go so much?"

"Yeah, I know. It;s not too bad right now. Just uh stress."

"Stress? It's the first week of school."

"Hmm." he shook his head. "Right, I mean like uh anxious about how the years gonna go."

"You're the smartest one of us. You'll be okay, remus."




"I don't know, he says it's migraines." I heard Sirius say to james. I grabbed my homework and tried to slip out.

"Remus!" james said

"Hey!" sirius said

"Hey guys, have you finished your homework yet?

"Yeah, well most of it."

"Right, well I'm going to finish mine."

"How do you have any left?"

'Well, procrastination, you know"

"Remus, there's no way" james slipped out, knowing it';s going to take us a while

"Fine, i'm just, like, working ahead, okay?"

"The teachers are letting you do that?"

"Better to be ahead than behind."

"You're going to the hospital wing aren't you?

"Yeah, just a headache, you know, got to be careful."

"Let me come this time."

"No, it's okay."

"It seemed worse before and you said it'll be fine! Plus I can leave if it is overnight."

"It's almost curfew."

"Yeah, but not quite yet, we have time."


"Come on, you never let me go. Do you just not like people to see you in pain?"

"Yeah, that's it."

"Woah, you must really downplay your pain.."

"I'm fine."

"I'm coming, remus."

He hesitated. "You can't."

"Why not? Really, why not?"

"Mrs, pomfrey won't let you."

"We still have a good half hour."

"No, she won't let you anyway."


"i - i can't tell."

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