1)High School Sucks

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Barry's Pov:

School started up again. Let the bullying commence! I'm not joking about that part. My brother's friends or should I say the jocks like to shove me around a bit. My brother never beats me up but his friends take part in the beatings. I never could stand up for myself only my best friend did that. She should be here any minute.

I was already sweating. I picked up my AP chem book and then I felt my backpack getting pulled, my body going with it. I slammed down to the floor and my book went flying. I quickly fixed my glasses on my face and tried to get my book. A foot stepped on my hand. "Ow!" I winced. 

Marcus was the cause of my bullying. He was my brother's best friend but I didn't bother telling my brother that he bullied me. I didn't want him to think of me as weak. 

Probably because he is known as the worlds best superhero at the moment. Captain Atlas. Super speed, strength, agility, and he could fly. Meanwhile, I had no powers. Talk about getting the short end of the stick. I always had to come to school early because my brother wanted to hit on the popular and hot girls before going to class. 

This was the perfect time for my bullies and it seemed they took the time out of their day to make me feel "special" if you will.

One of his buddies kicked me in the stomach. The air was knocked out of me and I started to see little black dots as his friend kept kicking me.

The doors busted open. Thank God! Remember that best friend? Yeah she's a bad ass that the jocks are scared of. Lilith Rosethorn. She wore all black with a leather jacket and black thick boots. She installed fear in anyone who looked at her. The boys dispersed. "This isn't over baby Corven." With that Marcus and his friends marched away before Lilith could reach them.

She looked down at me holding my hand and then to my chem book. She walked over to it and picked it up brushing off the dirty footprints the jocks left on it. Great I'm going to have to pay for that!

I leaned against the lockers and she joined me on the floor. "Barry why the hell do you let them do that to you?"

I looked into Lilith's dark brown eyes almost black. "I-I d-don't know." I looked down at my hand already forming a dark bruise. She grabbed my jaw and turned my face up and towards her.

"Barry if they touch you one more time I swear I will light their cars on fire and make sure they are in it." I chuckled. I knew she was serious though. I didn't doubt she could do it.

"It's ok-" "No it's not." She stated. "It's wrong and these goons are your brother's friends." I didn't want to come off weak I mean she already had to pick me up after these fights. I didn't have muscles like my brother I was more lean and toned not buff and ripped like my brother. I was more "nerd" like while my brother looked like a male model for Calvin Klein!

We both stood up and headed to our first class together. Just because she was one of the most feared girls at school it didn't mean that she wasn't smart. She was only kind to me I noticed. Everyone else she told to go suck it. By "it" you know what I mean. I've never been one for profanity but she has the mouth of a drunk sailor.

We walked into Mr. Sults class and sat in the third row together. She wanted the back and I wanted the front. We compromised. 


After a few classes me and Lil met up at lunch. She had her own table and no one dared to sit by her or even talk to her. I sat on the other side of the table. She looked up with a dark glare but realizing it was me she replaced it with a small smirk.

The cafeteria had a tv's placed around for all the kids. They were raised so no one could touch it but they still had scratches or old food stuck to it. 

"Breaking News: Night Walker blew up another building and causing 10 injuries!!!" Everyone's eyes looked up to the screen and watched the super villain use her electric powers. She then walked through a wall into a building. Not the door the freakin' wall.

Night Walker could walk through walls, had physical enhancements, and she could absorb life. If she absorb too much she could control your mind. It was crazy how many cool powers she had and some say that she has more but chooses not to use them during battle.

On the screen comes my brother or Captain Atlas. Shes strikes him with lighting and he flies backwards and into the nearby bank. He comes back out charging at her but then he flies right through her. My brother complains about her at home. He says she's a coward and that she won't fight because she's scared. 

I know it's wrong but my moneys on her not my brother. I want him to be safe, sure, but she was freaking scary and strong. She knew what she was doing and was an excellent fighter front he hand to hand combat videos the news has shown of her fighting other heroes. 

She must've put at least 10 heroes in the hospital and I don't want one of those to be my brother.


It was the end of school I walked outside to see my brother's car already filled. "Hey sorry bro. The cars filled I'll come back and pick you up, yeah?" 

He then drove away. Fork you man. I look to my left to see Lil next to her harley. I walk towards her and she hops on the bike she hands me her other helmet. I hoped on the bike and wrapped my hands around her waist. She flinched and then nodded. 

"Do I wanna ask what happened between you and your brother?"

"Please just drive." It came out as a whisper. She didn't ask anything else and we drove away.


When we got to my house she parked her harley and went inside with me. My mom and dad welcoming her in. She hated people and talking to my parents was the last thing I knew she would want to do. 

My parents were those kinds who loved everyone and wanted everyone to feel welcomed. They forced people to eat their food and to stay. They didn't push Lil though. She looked like bad news and so my parents never really treated her the same way.

"Hey baby! Hello Lilith! So nice to see you again please have a seat! Are you hungry?" My mom hustled people.

"It's nice to see you again Mrs. Barry. I am just here to drop off Barry and then I'm off. Thank you for your offer I will have to take it up sometime." With that she gave me eyes saying 'walk me to the door or I'll cut your eyes out and make them earrings.' Or at least that's the message I got from her when she gave me wide eyes.

Yes she might be my friend but that doesn't mean she doesn't give me goosebumps.

She led me outside and turned to me. I had a small piece of my hair fall in front of my eyes and she was quick enough to put it back in place. It sent a shiver down my spine. She smirked and gave me a quick hug. She wasn't one for hugs or affection so when she began hugging me it was definitely a surprise. I accepted it though.

"Goodbye my nerd. Be safe." With that she drove away on her Harley.

I thought she was so pretty and I had no clue why she befriended me or how it really happened but I loved having her as my best friend. I only had her.

Enough sappy stuff though. I'm a bo-no a man. I'm a man. I went back inside to work on my chem homework and calc work.

My brother would be parading around as Captain Altas and my parents couldn't be more proud however he would come back late after the fights where Night Stalker kicked his tush. 

All in the day of a super heroes brother.


Hi! Thank you for reading and I hoped you enoyed :)

-Nov <3

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