Chapter fourteen~ "Leo knew you'd come."

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They were all too busy fighting.

They didn’t even have the dignity to fight on battle fields; no they wrecked people’s homes instead.

The castle actually looked closer than it was. It was a bummer I didn’t have wings to make this whole journey faster.

Actually, if I had wings none of this wouldn’t be happening at all.

I looked up in envy of a fairy flying above my head.

I sighed and kept looking ahead, this might take a while. I let my mind wonder, this was more like the fairies I’d learnt about in school. Dark and vicious. The Trys fairies were true fairies.

Skipping through alleyways and carefully avoiding anyone with a weapon, I smirked as a rock flew past my head. I jumped over a small puddle of blood and then dodged a ball of flame flying towards me. Something felt so sinister about the way the houses had been destroyed to nothing by structures that held little shelter.

I wondered if the fairies that lived there were still there, or had they fled?

Something in me hoped they’d fled… but I knew they hadn’t. Where else would they go?

As I entered another street that was dark and only lit by the distant fires and wings I noticed there were about 10 people fighting. Just as I was about to take a short cut round the back of a house I stopped.

“Anna?” Leo’s voice made me spin around to face him. He frowned when he saw me. He was in the middle of strangling a poor man who was gurgling helplessly. I used my powers to loosen Leo’s hand and the man fell to the floor, croaked thank you and then scrambled to his feet, making an escape. “Why are you here?” He asked, obviously not bothered that I’d just helped someone get away from him.  He started to walk towards me and away from the other people fighting.

“I’m coming to Trys.” I said flatly. I really hoped he believed me. His face lit up, and he didn’t bother to hide any joy.

“Really? To join us?” He exclaimed. He looked so happy right now. A bit of guilt crept into my stomach; I’d have to leave Leo at the end of this too.

“Yeah. Myllic sucks.” I sighed and even more joy fell on Leo’s face. It made me feel terrible. But he did kidnap my best friend, so I shouldn’t be the one feeling bad.  I actually didn’t think I’d ever seen him so happy.

“Come on then!” He held his hand out. I took it, I really couldn’t be bothered to walk any further. He seemed pretty eager to get me to the castle, but I didn’t doubt that he believed me. I was suddenly dragged up into the air with Leo.

His wings…

They took my breath away.

They were dark, but they were… beautiful. They were a dark gloomy colour, but there were also splashes of ruby red on them. As they flapped back and forth I couldn’t help thinking what they would feel like on my back.

Leo lowered me to the ground and the guards instantly ran towards us, pointing their spears at me. Leo calmed them down and then lead me into the castle.

And just as I was in, Thif appeared in front of me.

“Vi…” He said thoughtfully, looking at me suspiciously. I smirked, at least of these people had common sense to doubt my actions. “Now why would you be here, I wonder?” He laughed, waving his hand to indicate something.

Immediately I heard Tristan’s shouts for help. Inside I had fallen to pieces at his cries, but I knew if I looked like that on the outside I would be a goner.

“You kept the humans?” I raised my eyebrow. I was going to stay calm. Calm. Calm. Calm.

Momentarily Thif was shocked, then confused… then just curious.

“You were willing to give up your life for them a few days ago. Why the change of heart?”  He asked. I felt like I was being interrogated for a crime.

“More like the death of a heart,” I stated, “Humans aren’t worth my life. Even two of them.”

Thif laughed and held out his hand for me to take. Just when I thought he was going to be clever enough to find me out. I guess he wasn’t worth all the credit I was giving him.

“Welcome to your new home.”

I took his hand but kept a stern face. No matter how much he welcomed me, he had tried to kill my mom, stolen my best friend, and his dad, and had started a war on my kingdom. I was only here to save Tristan. Nothing else.

“We have a room for you. Leo knew you’d come,” He informed me and I turned to Leo. He shrugged and followed Thif as I was directed through corridors and corridors of darkness.

This was even worse than Eliyn’s castle. It was just as big, but dark at the same time. I would so not be getting comfy here.

Leo’s mom ran towards us from the opposite direction and stared at me. I smiled fakely and tried to ignore her horrid looks. Maybe she was the clever one of this family.

…But after a few minutes she suddenly dropped her act and started to talk to me like I was her own daughter. I knew fairies were dangerous… but there was one thing for sure. They weren’t dangerously clever.

Leo got to my room and told me his was just across the hall. My room was plain and dark, like the hallways. With a bed and a desk.

Nothing out of the ordinary. I took a quick glance at Leo’s and saw his was the same. I guess no one got special treatment over here.

“I’m so glad you came.” He suddenly gushed, his face closer to mine than I’d realised. I guess my lack of response because of the shock made him feel a little uncomfortable.

And with that he spun around and flew into his room, the door slamming behind him. He had really changed from the rough, gorgeous boy I’d seen on earth. He was a bit kinder now, and still as gorgeous. But he was the enemy. That made his kindness and appearance nothing.

But a blob of guilt appeared in my stomach. He was being nice to me. He was doing everything he could to make me feel welcome. And yet I was taking advantage of it and using him to get my human friend’s safety.

What a nice person I was.

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