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                          Killer sat in on his bed clutching his legs to his chest, he felt... numb? It was just how he had felt most of his life, but... it was... empty now? He had just gotten back from work and with nothing left to distract himself from his thoughts they immediately turned to his Soulmate. He could feel their link when he closed his eyes. it was soft, easily ignorable but... it was there it was theirs'. He could feel  how happy Nightmare was, and it hurt. It burned like blue fire. He couldn't stand being alone.  He stared at the Knife on his dresser, it would hurt him, but... he obviously didn't care as much. Maybe.. not yet. Killers stomach grumbled  and he walked into the kitchen

"sleeping beauty awakes!" Ccino called as he saw killer

"Hey ccin."

"I made some pizza if you want some~" Ccino hummed as he slipped an apron off of his head

"Thanks, im starving."

"Its a shame how you found you Soulmate and everything." Ccino laughed "I must say I was smitten by you!"

"Ew gross WTH dude!" Killer said as he navigated the messy apartment to the couch.

"I know I know but like- your hot."

" Your so weird ccin."

"I know..."

Killer sighed, Ccino... was making him uncomfortable? Killer knew how a Soulmate, wasn't really  your only romantic choice, but... Ccino? really? 

Killer dreamt of blue skies and grassy knoles 

Father than close - Killermare Soulmates -Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum